Welcome back.

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just doing a little bloggy housekeeping. Just reorganizing the sidebar mostly. There may be no rhyme or reason to it, but that is just the way I like it. I added a link to a quick biography of King Henry II of England. I don’t really know how I failed to put him in the Pantheon earlier. Gross negligence on my part. While I list King Richard III of England as my favourite monarch, Henry II is verily the greatest of all English (or if you like British) monarchs. And I believe strongly that he is greatest of all monarchs in European history. I realize that Holy Roman Emperor Charlemange, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and Tsar Peter I (the Great) could also lay claim to that title (along with others); but feel that we here in the US owe Henry more than we know. Henry is, ultimately, the man responsible for the Anglo-American legal tradition. And we owe him bunches for that. More on that to come later….

Why you might ask is Richard III my favourite? It is the controversy. He is so hotly debated even to this day. That makes him very interesting…


Your Maximum Leader recieved a most welcome and unexpected e-mail this past week. Sadly I didn’t read it right away as it was hidden amongst all of the spam that the address on the sidebar generates. The message was from your Maximum Leader’s college roommate! For reasons that pass understanding, he and I fell somehow out of touch. Now, gladly, he found this site and wrote. As both the Minister of Agriculture and the Foreign Minister also know him, I will likely pass on his contact info. And my old roommate wondered why (oh why?) was there not a link to the absolutely fabulous Imperial War Museum under the Villainous Culture section of the sidebar? Once again… Gross negligence. The Imperial War Museum is now on the sidebar.

Speaking of the Villainous Culture area of the sidebar… Only one other correspondent has every mentioned it. That correspondent would be the lovely Annika. Who’s ever so lovely back is featured in a recent post concerning her piece of crap Sony Vaio computer. (NB to Annika: You’re very bad. Putting those coy photos up on your site. You tease your Maximum Leader so. ) Your Maximum Leader is distressed to learn that Annika is having so many problems with her Vaio. He knows two others who own Vaio’s and they love them. Never had a problem at all. Your Maximum Leader contemplated getting a Vaio laptop at one point because it would be completely integratable with his uber-TV. Hummm… Perhaps he will not…

In sports news….

Is your Maximum Leader the only one that thinks Mike Martz should be fired for his inept handling of the Carolina game last night? Your Maximum Leader and Mrs. Villain were up late last night watching football. We both commented about how stupid it was that Martz let time run down at the end of regulation and then missed the Figgie. It was a thrilling game, but one that was generally mishandled by the Rams.

And it is with much joy that your Maximum Leader sees that the Foreign Minister is back, and the Poet Laureate is now safely in Korea. All is now right with the world…. (NB to Foreign Minister: Your notes on the good Dr. Burgess-Jackson will not get you off my Christmas card list. I don’t think that Dr. Burgess-Jackson is claiming to be a vegetarian - just that he has considered the method in which cows are raised and slaughtered and determined it is morally wrong toeat red meat. In other news, it is good to hear you doing community theatre. I enjoyed it when I did it. It is too bad you didn’t get the smoochy part…)

Go Packers!

Carry on.

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