Okay, Small Holder, enjoy the moment because I’ll probably take this part of the post down tomorrow. YOU ARE RIGHT.
Click through and read the rest of her post. In the area of religion, Ally and I seem to be on the same page. We are both Christians who think the “public” Christians do the religion a great disservice. The Pat Robertson quote is maddening and reveals a lack of critical thinking.
If God materially punishes those who displease him with natural disasters (Florida, New Orleans, America 9/11, and now Dover), and rewards those with whom he is pleased, let us determine who pleases God the most in terms of material wealth.
America seperates church and state. America is tolerant of diversity. America promotes sex equality (remember Robertson’s Republican Convention diatribe against working women?).
America is the richest, most materially wealthy nation in the world.
Ergo, God loves non-theocratic, tolerant, feminists.
Roberston better look out - who knows what God has in store for theocratic, intolerant chauvinists.
Side Note: If Intelligent Design is NOT creationism in a snappy outfit, why is Roberston so overwrought about it’s rejection? Would he be as overwrought if the people of Dover had rejected FSM ID?