Two Items

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has two things to note for the record. First, he is saddened that National Review Online is taking the week off. (He will not post the link, since if you read it regularly there is nothing new to see.) Your Maximum Leader knows that the good people at NRO need some time off to regroup and relax for a while. But, your Maximum Leader also thinks that when they return they may do something silly like start charging to read the site! Your Maximum Leader knows that it takes some resources to run a major web site like NRO. But he hopes that they can find a way to keep their great content free for the masses.

(Speaking of taking resources… Wouldn’t now be a great time to get a mug with your Maximum Leader on it? Of course it would…)

Secondly, your Maximum Leader must respond to the Air Marshal… He knows that the recently posted list of the 40 Signs of the MWO is not the original list. Alas, he could not find the electronic file with the originial list, nor could he read all of the items off the old scrap of paper he found… So, this is a new and improved list for the legions of minions. Not to mention, your Maximum Leader likes to keep his lists up to date…

Carry on.

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