Two For The Road

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will commend two posts to you before the signs off for an evening of fun with the villainous progeny and hour upon hour of Rome:Total War.

The first is a great post on the Jawa Report. As you all surely know, Dr. Rusty Shackleford was a constant advocate for Roy Hallums while he was held hostage in Iraq. Now that he has been released, Susan Hallums has thanked Rusty for his help. Bravo, Rusty! Bravo! You’ve done yeoman’s work in this. Your Maximum Leader hopes one day Roy will be able to write you as well.

The second is this interesting take on agribusiness from Phoenix. Her own agribusiness that is. It is an interesting counter-point to our own Smallholder. (Or is that Pointer-count?)

With that dearminions your Maximum Leader will sign off for the day. Good luck and

Carry on.

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