In honour of Potter…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in honour of the impending release of the latest Harry Potter movie, decided to take a Harry Potter quiz he found over on Minion Mo’s web site.

You scored as Albus Dumbledore, Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Albus Dumbledore


Sirius Black


Hermione Granger


Remus Lupin


Draco Malfoy


Severus Snape


Harry Potter


Ron Weasley


Ginny Weasley


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is…?
created with

That isn’t very bad. In fact, other than having to watch out for his own personal Snapes, this result is pretty pleasing. He wonders if he would be Richard Harris’ Dumbledore or Michael Gambon’s Dumbledore. He isn’t sure…

Carry on.

Celeb crushes as insight?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader uses a customized My Yahoo page as his home page. Of course, you - the loyal reader - might have already noticed this as your Maximum Leader often finds articles to link from the Yahoo feeds of the various news wire services. Your Maximum Leader wonders if his use of the Yahoo page classifies him as a fossil? It seems so 1996… Humm… 1996/7 might have been the year that your Maximum Leader first customized his Yahoo page… Gawd…


From time to time Yahoo dishes up a piece that your Maximum Leader wouldn’t ordinarially click through and read, but for some reason this title caught his attention: What His Celeb Crush Says About Him. Your Maximum Leader admits his reasons for clicking on the link were purely salacious. He was hoping to catch a candid photo of some attractive female celeb. Specifically, he was hoping to catch a photo of the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Well… Was he disappointed when he finally read through and read the article? Yes he was. Having a “crush” on Angelina Jolie may mean that a man likes: “a do-gooder woman who also isn’t afraid to show a bit of a wild streak. It’s the reason why Jolie tops so many men’s wish lists: They want the woman who is good, but not too good. And the woman who is sultry, but not too sultry.” Great Jeezey Creezey! What mindless tripe that is. We all know that Angelina Jolie was positively nutty prior to her determining to be a mom. Marrying Billy Bob, wearing blood, “cutting” herself. All signs of being crazy. Now that she is a mom she is a do-gooder. Has Angelina done anything wacky recently? And by wacky your Maximum Leader isn’t talking about joining the Council on Foreign Relations so she could pick Henry Kissinger’s brain on the crisis in the Sudan. Nope… She hasn’t.

All in all the piece was just sad. It didn’t even attempt to offer any insight as to why a man (like your Maximum Leader) might have a “crush” on the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt. Since it didn’t, allow your Maximum Leader to offer some insight. If your Maximum Leader has a “crush” on the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt it may mean that he likes young attractive women who seem to have a sense of modesty (in that they will not pose nekkid in some magazine) yet still are sexy. It may mean that he likes women who seem “grounded” and “real” and not all completely caught up in Hollywood.

Then again… It may mean nothing…

Carry on.

Ginormous books include new words

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader noticed today that the AP news wire was running one of those fluffy stories it runs every year about the new words added to the Webster’s dictionary. This year new words appear to include: bollywood, sudoku, crunk, smackdowns, grey literature, and everyone’s favorite - ginormous. Apparently abbreviations like IED and DVR also make it into the new dictionary. Excursus: Are abbreviations actually words?

Now, your Maximum Leader is no gamy-handed postmodernist who feels that words can be ascribed any meaning you want; but he does recognize that language changes and words get added - and words fade from use. All in all, he is pleased with new words. He is particularly fond of ginormous in fact. He doesn’t use it very much in this forum, but he does use it from time to time with his kids (which makes the word more accepted among younger people and probably goes a long way towards promulgating the word further). Excursus: Sometimes in this forum he likes using the word “embiggen” when he uses a thumbnail image and wants you - the loyal reader - to click on the thumbnail to see the image made larger. He supposes that “embiggen” is an etymological cousin of ginormous.

He wonders if the popular (intentional mostly but unintentional sometimes) typo “teh” will one day make it into the dictionary. He will fully admit that “teh” doesn’t float his boat. Perhaps he doesn’t fully understand the concept of “teh.” Perhaps “teh” just upsets him because it causes him to face his own spelling issues.

At any rate, your Maximum Leader congratualtes “ginormous” for attaining the lofty status of “being in the dictionary.” May it last longer than “bootylicious” in our popular lexicon.

Carry on.

Whoa! There is a blog here…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is now happily returned to the Villainschloss. He is sure you were all dying to know that… Let us catch up shall we?

Well… When last we left your Maximum Leader he was rife with pestilence and feeling miserable. Well… Actually… That was June 30th. On that day your Maximum Leader crawled out of bed and posted about Bush and Winston Churchill… On July 1 he went to the beach with his family. Upon arriving at the beach he discovered two things… He still had a hacking cough that was not sexy at all, and his interwebs connectivity at the beach was quite poor.

Monday, July 2 found your Maximum Leader sitting next to the pool reading “Flashman at the Charge.” It was about 75 degrees out and the water was frigid so he never got in the pool or ocean.

Tuesday July 3 found your Maximum Leader sitting next to the pool listens to Beverly Sills recordings on iPod mourning the great singer’s passing and reading “Flashman at the Charge” and the Washington Post. He was trying to determine if Bush’s commuting of Scooter Libby’s prison term offended him or not. The determination was that it did not. Your Maximum Leader continues to believe that the Special Prosecutor overreached and brought charges against Libby because he had to convict someone of something lest he be called a failure. Skippy’s post on this matter not withstanding, your Maximum Leader believes that what Scooter Libby was convicted of was (more or less) disagreeing with Tim Russert on matters relating to a time line. You can call your Maximum Leader a conservative mouthbreather (as Skippy did indirectly - and the Smallholder did directly recently) if you like. Honestly, your Maximum Leader didn’t care if Scooter Libby went to jail or not. And frankly, George W Bush is so unpopular now that any action he took (or yet chooses to take) on Scooter Libby can’t hurt him politically. Bush is beyond these “little” things hurting him now. And, truth be told, your Maximum Leader is more than a little pissed that Bush has done such a half-assed job of using his pardon powers. If you are going to take an action that will be so politcally charged that your enemies will be demanding your head on a pike; and your friends are not going to make any attempt to give you cover - well then you might as well just commit yourself to your choice. What Bush has done here is take a half-step that does nothing but keep the wound open just deep enough to keep from closing. And since Bush has left open the possibility that a full pardon may yet be in the works… This isn’t over yet. Bush should have either done nothing and let Libby hang - or he should have just given Libby the full pardon. But Bush isn’t good at thinking these things through…

Wednesday July 4th found your Maximum Leader sitting by the pool reading “Pompeii” by Robert Harris. Then, when he learned that the local fireworks were cancelled (due to high winds), he watched the film “The Illusionist.” The film was clever and quite entertaining. About half-way through, your Maximum Leader wondered how it was all going to come together. He didn’t figure out how it all came together, and was amused by the whole premise. He also liked how the writers wove their fictional story into an interesting historical context (Vienna before WWI.) Your Maximum Leader has since been told that “The Prestige” is a better film. Perhaps in a few weeks he’ll see it. (Excurus: You know something… Christian Bale - star of “The Prestige,” “Batman Begins,” “American Psycho,” and “Empire of the Sun” is a fine actor and a very handsome man. If your Maximum Leader played for “the other team” so to speak, he might have a man-crush on Christian Bale.)

Thursday, July 5th found your Maximum Leader reading “Pompeii” by the pool (which he never entered, nor did he enter the ocean). That afternoon, he took the Villainettes and the Wee Villain to see Ratatouille. He enjoyed it very much. It is possible that he enjoyed the film more than his children did in fact. He highly commends the picture to you.

Friday, July 6th found your Maximum Leader packing for, then making, the trek back to the Villainschloss. Upon arriving at the Villainschloss, your Maximum Leader went and slept.

Saturday, July 7th found your Maximum Leader packing for, them making, the trek to the Smallholder’s farm. There he met, obviously, the Smallholder and his family. Also there, not so obviously, were the erstwhile Minister of Propaganda (a sometimes contributor to this fine site) and Polymath (a sometimes commenter to this fine site, and virtual proprietor of his own fine site). There was much drinking and roasting of pork - great bonding activities… Also on July 7th, Skippy posts a fine piece on Richard Russell. Skippy’s piece makes your Maximum Leader feel both badly about not writing a blog post for a few days and relieved that he will not unfavorably compare his own crap post to Skippy’s lucid political discourse.

Sunday, July 8th found your Maximum Leader and the Smallholder having their son’s baptized. To this blessed event, your Maximum Leader wore his new seersucker suit. (He’ll have to post photos later…) Thereafter, there was much drinking and eating of roasted pork. Sadly, your Maximum Leader had to leave the festivities too soon for his own tastes and returned to the Villainschloss again.

Today… Your Maximum Leader caught up on a whole bunch of blog reading that he didn’t do last week. He also must advise his friend Skippy that while he has never wanted to know Katie Couric carnally (unlike Skippy), he can say that she (Couric that is) is quite attractive in real life. Your Maximum Leader has met her twice (both times we were waiting in the lounge for the DC to NYC shuttle at National Airport - most recently about 3 years ago).

Well… There you have it… The full update on what your Maximum Leader has been doing… More than you likely wanted to know, but there it is anyway… Oh… By the way… This site turned four last week. Like the Big Hominid, your Maximum Leader didn’t remember until after the fact… So… Happy Birthday to me - so to speak.

If there are any of you out there still reading this… Your Maximum Leader hopes to have some pithy content in this space soon.

Carry on.

Beverly Sills - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is now at the beach, and he is feeling much better. But on the not so good side of the equation… His internet connection is very dicey… So it is unlikely that he will blog again until next week.

He did want to take note of the passing of Beverly Sills. Your Maximum Leader remembers many old 33 rpm recordings of Sills that his saintly mother used to play when he was growing up. He remembers seeing some performances in the late 1970s broadcast over PBS. He also remembers his dear departed grandmother “shushing” him when he spoke during a Saturday afternoon Texaco radio broadcast on which Sills was a featured performer.

You should read the Post’s Obit for Sills. If your Maximum Leader had a better connection now, he’d try and get one from one of the New York papers…

Carry on.

Olson on Bush and Churchill

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has still not left for the beach. In part his delay is due to his having a wee bout of the summer pestilence. He doesn’t know how he picked up this virus, but he has been hacking, coughing, and sniffling something horrible. He’s not been fun to be around by any stretch. He’s felt so bad over yesterday and today that he’s only now gotten out of bed.

He will have to say that Villainette #1 (soon to be ten years old) was a tremendous help. She has a strong “mothering” streak to begin with (which sometimes is a problem when she attempts to dominate her younger siblings) but today her mothering streak was a great help to her father. She was able to bring water and flat ginger ale to him when he needed; and she kept a close eye on her younger brother while Mrs Villain was out. It was a blessing to have her.

So… Your Maximum Leader has been in bed and watching the crap that passes for tv programming. He has been watching the news about the (almost) car bombs in London and the car bombing in Glasgow. Both horrible events. Your Maximum Leader only hopes that the British people don’t draw the wrong conclusion from these events. The wrong conclusion being that an immediate withdrawal from Iraq will suddenly make the Islamists look to bomb other nations.

Immediate withdrawal from Iraq by Britain would be a type of appeasement. And as Winston Churchill once noted, to paraphrase, appeasers feed the crocodile in the hopes that it will eat them last.

That was your Maximum Leader’s pathetic segue into an interesting column he read on the Washington Post site entitled: “Why Winston Wouldn’t Stand for W.” In the peice Lynn Olson makes a number of observations with which your Maximum Leader agrees. Indeed, he agrees with more of Olson’s commentary that one might suspect. But, he feels that Olson is herself guilty of that which she describes as:

Writing about Churchill and Chamberlain, I’ve discovered, is like administering a Rorschach test to one’s readers. People see in Churchill and Chamberlain what they want to see. They draw parallels between the 1930s and the events of today according to their own political philosophy.

In drawing her own parallels between how dissimilar George W Bush is from Winston S Churchill, she doesn’t attempt to show that there might be some similarities as well. While your Maximum Leader is congnizant that Olson’s point in her peice is more to show Bush supporters (as well as Bush himself?) how you shouldn’t wrap Bush in the mantle of Churchill.

Now… Allow your Maximum Leader to go on the record. He is a great Churchill admirer. He keeps a smaller version of the same bust of Churchill on his desk as President Bush does in the Oval Office. And as he types this, the bust of Churchill stares at him from across the desk, and the Karsh photo of Churchill glowers down at him from the wall. And you know something else, your Maximum Leader would never have thought to compare Churchill and George W Bush. Ever. As much as your Maximum Leader loves Ronald Reagan, he would never compare Churchill and Reagan. Perhaps your Maximum Leader keeps his idols in their own temples and doesn’t like mixing them up. But, these figures are so different that comparisons will always fall short.

Now, your Maximum Leader does want to address some points which Olson makes in her piece. Frist off she writes:

Like Bush and unlike Churchill, [Neville] Chamberlain came to office with almost no understanding of foreign affairs or experience in dealing with international leaders. Nonetheless, he was convinced that he alone could bring Hitler and Benito Mussolini to heel. He surrounded himself with like-minded advisers and refused to heed anyone who told him otherwise.

Your Maximum Leader agrees that Bush had no foreign affairs experience on becoming President. But, this is a generally unfair characterization of the early Bush Administration. Does Olson forget that to compensate for his lack of experience Bush did bring on what (on paper at least) appeared to be one of the strongest foreign policy teams in recent memory. Your Maximum Leader remembers that as late as 2003 many of his liberal/Democratic friends felt that particularly in foreign affairs that Bush had the best team possible. Dick Cheney. Colin Powell. Condi Rice. That is one hell of a lineup. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think that Olson’s comparison here rings true.

In the next paragraphs Olson states that:

Unlike Bush and Chamberlain, Churchill was never in favor of his country going it alone. Throughout the 1930s, while urging Britain to rearm, he also strongly supported using the newborn League of Nations — the forerunner to today’s United Nations — to provide one-for-all-and-all-for-one security to smaller countries. After the League failed to stop fascism’s march, Churchill was adamant that, to beat Hitler, Britain must form a true partnership with France and even reach agreement with the despised Soviet Union, neither of which Chamberlain was willing to do.

Your Maximum Leader agrees with Olson’s point. But he thinks it is important to point out the historical context here. Churchill knew that Britain couldn’t “go it alone.” Britain was deficient in air power and men-at-arms. Britain’s sea power was strong, but would likely come under great stress when war came. Churchill knew that Britain had to have allies - because she didn’t have the resources to fight. Britain in the 1930s is not America of 2001 or 2003. Your Maximum Leader believes that if Britain’s situation in 1939 was one of supreme economic and military ascendence (as one can argue America’s situation was in 2001) Churchill would have still sought an alliance with France and other European nations against Hitler. What troubles your Maximum Leader about Olson’s point here is that the casual reader might think that Britain’s situation was stronger than it was.

Of course, we all know that for a time Britain did have to “go it alone.” From the fall of France in June 1940 until America entered the war in December 1941, Britain was (mostly) on her own. What most American’s don’t know is that after the fall of France the consensus of the British political establishment was that Britain ought to seek terms for ending the war. Among Churchill’s cabinet there was (in May/June 1940) a majority that wanted to sue for peace with Hitler. Indeed, it was Churchill (and to his credit Clement Atlee) who wanted to fight on. This stubbornness is a similarity between Bush and Churchill that Olson didn’t feel the need to mention in her piece.

Olson again compares Bush to Chamberlain when she says that

Like Bush, Chamberlain also laid claim to unprecedented executive authority, evading the checks and balances that are supposed to constrain the office of prime minister. He scorned dissenting views, both inside and outside government. When Chamberlain arranged his face-to-face meetings with Hitler in 1938 that ended in the catastrophic Munich conference, he did so without consulting his cabinet, which, under the British system, is responsible for making policy.

All in all your Maximum Leader thinks this is a fair characterization, but again one that lacks historical context. Olson points out in the peice that Chamberlain’s Tories had a large majority in the Commons. But having a large Parliamentary majority isn’t quite the same as having a majority in the Congress. And executive power in a Parliamentary system is much different than our Constitutional system. Churchill himself was accused by many of wielding too much executive authority once he became Prime Minister. He wasn’t just Prime Minister, but was also the Minister of Defence. The closest analogy to this in our system would be George W Bush being President and Secretary of Defence at the same time. (But even that analogy isn’t all that exact.) It is interesting to note that one of the biggest criticisms of former-Prime Minister Tony Blair was that he acted more like a President than a Prime Minister.

All in all, the most troubling aspect of Olson’s essay in the Post (at least for your Maximum Leader) is that she oversimplifies the historical context to make her points. Of course, by adding context she diminishes the force of her argument; but if she fancies herself a serious historian she ought to stick to history and leave the political commentary to someone else.

Carry on.

Zombie Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t yet departed for the beach… But he is still taking quizzes on other blogs…

Your Maximum Leader is:


Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

Although 68% chance of survival is not too bad, your Maximum Leader’s failings are that he is out of shape, he lives in a moderately sized city, and he would try and find loved ones in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Of course, he wouldn’t go out and try and find loved ones without packing serious heat. But he would forsake shelter to find his family and (he hopes) save them from the zombies.

Evidently Joan has fewer problems with her survival. In the worst case senario, your Maximum Leader would have to find Joan and hunker down…

Carry on.

Goin’ to the beach

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wanted to let you know that he is going to the beach soon. Possibly tonight. Possibly tomorrow. Staying through Thursday of next week. It is likely you’ll see little of him here.

He is bringing a laptop with him to the beach… So there is a possibility of posting… But no promises.

Carry on.

Wrong hunch.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must admit he was wrong about something. He may yet prove to be right, but it seems less and less likely as we move ahead…

Your Maximum Leader is sure that you have probably read about the case of Jessie Davis. She was the 9 months pregnant Ohio woman who’s body - and that of her unborn child - were discovered over the weekend. Davis’ boyfriend, Bobby Cutts, Jr, has been arrested, charged, and is being held for the murder.

Excursus: Isn’t it quaint that the AP referres to the unborn child as a fetus and explains how in Ohio someone can be charged with murder if they kill a fetus? Very quaint.

Your Maximum Leader must admit that he was wrong when he speculated last week to Mrs Villain that he thought Cutts wasn’t the killer.

Normally, your Maximum Leader would immediately suspect the boyfriend/lover/spouse in a case like this. But he didn’t in this case. Why? At first your Maximum Leader thought it might be because Cutts was a police officer. Now, before you start thinking that your Maximum Leader is willing to ascribe a lofty status to law officers; please know that your Maximum Leader is often willing to believe pretty horrible things that police are accused of. Of the police officers that your Maximum Leader has known, there has sometimes been a streak of believing that because they are an authority unto themselves. (Not unlike your Maximum Leader…) Your Maximum Leader is sure that in some (perhaps many) cases, police to exceed their authority. But not in this case.

In the case of Cutts, your Maximum Leader thought that the knowledge of procedures and the fact that he would immediately be the primary suspect might have kept Cutts from committing a crime. Of course, Cutts has only been accused at this point. That means he is innocent until the state proves otherwise. It may be that he didn’t commit the crime of which he’s been accused. Time, and the judicial system, will tell.

There is something else that might have influenced your Maximum Leader’s thoughts unconsciously. Perhaps your Maximum Leader was willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to Cutts because he is black. Perhaps there was some subconscious process that wanted to avoid a racial sterotype? Afterall, doesn’t society tell us that it is always the black man who is the killer? What racial overtones are there when the accused is black and the victim is white? Could your Maximum Leader have been trying to make himself feel like he wasn’t entertaining racist thoughts by giving the black man the benefit of the doubt? Your Maximum Leader is sure that any thinking along these lines was definately unconscious…

If we discover that Cutts did the crime, he ought to be fast-tracked for execution.

Humm… Was that last line laden with subconscious racism? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think so. Frankly, we should execute more people. Regardless of their race, socio-economic status, or sex. But not everyone agrees with your Maximum Leader on that count.

Carry on.

Kilt licenses?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was perusing various blogs today and found a startling story over at Outside the Beltway. James Joyner finds that Scotland is toying with licensing sporrans. The original BBC article that Joyner cites states that the license will be required to show that sporrans produced after 1994 out of the hides of “endangered” animals were humanely harvested. Specifically the piece reads:

The laws are designed to protect endangered species like badgers and otters, whose fur used to be favoured by sporran makers.

The legislation applies to animals killed after 1994.

Applicants must prove that the animal was killed lawfully before they will be able to get a licence.

The conservation regulations were designed to close a number of loopholes and bring Scotland into line with other EU members.

They also apply to other vulnerable animals like deer, wildcats, hedgehogs, bats, lynx, moles, seals, whales, dolphins and porpoises.

The regulations require anyone who owns any part of a protected animal to obtain a licence.

The maximum penalties for breaking the law are a fine of £5,000 and six months in prison.

Oy! £5,000 and six months in prison is a bit much for the unlawful taking of an otter or badger. Of course, it isn’t all that bad if you think that a few hundred years ago you could be killed for hunting in the King’s forest… Well… That would be a King’s forest in England, not in Scotland. And they rarely ever did put anyone to death for it… Walter Scott and countless showings of Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood not withstanding.

Frankly this story, like so many many others, is just another sign of what is wrong in Europe. This law is being promulgated to bring Scotland in line with other EU countries. Is there anything good coming out of the EU Congress in Brussels? Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure of any.

By the way… How the hell would you find out that a sporran was pre or post 1994? Your Maximum Leader has a sporran for his kilt. He bought it in 1985. (It is leather - so presumably a license is not required.) But what is to keep a Scot from claiming that the sporran was pre-1994? Why make it retroactive? It seems senseless. If you are going to be “better stewards” of the wee beasties in the forest why not just start your licensing at a specific future date? It makes a heck of a lot more sense.

This makes your Maximum Leader want to run out and get a badger/otter/deer/lynx/wildcat/mole/dolphin/seal/whale/bat sporran… Just to have one.

Carry on.

50 ft way to go.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is busy entertaining the Big Hominid at the Villainschloss now, and is neglecting blogging. But this article could not pass without note…

Naked couple die from S.C. rooftop fall.

COLUMBIA, S.C. - Police on Wednesday were investigating how a naked couple fell 50 feet from the roof of a downtown office building to their deaths.

The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday.

Clothing was discovered on the roof, leading authorities to suspect the man and woman, in their early 20s, may have been having sex. Their identities were not released.

“It’s too early to rule out anything,” Columbia police Sgt. Florence McCants said, but McCants said a preliminary investigation didn’t show any sign of foul play.

What a way to go.

Carry on.

Kein sprechender Deutscher

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read something in his local paper today that he felt was blogworthy.

Although he’s been unable to confirm this factoid on everyone’s favourite free reference site, Wikipedia, he feels the local paper is trustworthy enough to republish this as a factoid, if not an out and out fact…

Apparently on this day in 1916, King George V of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India changed his family name from the oh-so-tuetonic “Saxe-Coburg-Gotha” to the oh-so-Anglo-Saxon “Windsor.”

That has got to be worth at least a few words on this blog…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has very little for you now. Nothing in fact. He thinks that his own laziness, family, the weather, and Medieval 2 Total War have been consipiring to keep him from blogging. Your Maximum Leader has been lazy (at least in regards to blogging) because he’s found it more entertaining to plop down on a sofa and read a Flashman book or watch TV than blog. He’s had a lot of familial engagements to attend to as well. School ending for the Villainettes. Getting various birthday and Father’s Day celebrations under control. Planning (packing for) trips to grandparent’s house for Villainettes. When you Maximum Leader has found himself in the mood to blog… He’s be thwarted by thunderstorms. They seem to pop up at the most inopportune times for blogging. (But they do give a good excuse to just sit and read.) And, finally, your Maximum Leader has been engaged in the most engrossing game of Medieval 2 Total War. (Playing the Danes and really digging the “Norse War Cleric” units. Priests wearing chainmail, on warhorses, with big ole maces just bashing your enemies. Somehow your Maximum Leader doubts that Benedict XVI would condone such activities nowadays. But if he did, your Maximum Leader would personally try and outfit a brigade of War Clerics.)

Excursus: Did you know that on July 14th, 1789 that Louis XVI’s diary contained a one word entry? Rien. (As in “nothing of interest happened today.”) In all fairness to Louis, he was not in Paris that day and word of the storming of the Bastille might not have reached him in Versailles.

Just because your Maximum Leader hasn’t been writing doesn’t mean he hasn’t been reading. Indeed, he’s been reading many blogs. Here are some more linky-related thoughts…

There are many bloggers your Maximum Leader is just going to have to make the time to visit and meet. Many…

For example… Your Maximum Leader wants to meet Eric, perhaps go the YMCA with him and work out some, and then go and sit on his porch and sip fine Scotch Whisky.

Your Maximum Leader would also like to meet Christina and her Mom. Your Maximum Leader feels like he already knows Christina’s mom somehow. Perhaps he’s known people like her and is projecting their traits on her. But every time Christina writes about and encounter with her mom your Maximum Leader feels like he knows exactly what is going on. It is a strange knowing feeling. Regardless, your Maximum Leader would like to meet both of these fine ladies.

Your Maximum Leader would also like to meet (specifically go out dining with) Bobgirl. Fallow deer wrapped in pork. Yumma.

Your Maximum Leader has been reading Steve’s site now for a long time. And recently he’s found that Steve’s posts on growing tomatos and peppers to be completely engrossing. Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure what it is about South Florida that makes smart people with a keen sense of observation such good writers. But soemthing must. Sure your Maximum Leader knows that South Florida is filled with vapid party-goers and cubans too; but Steve seems to be coming out of an environment that has produced a number of great writers.

Did you know that a few days ago the word of the day was eructation? Your Maximum Leader had never heard the word before. (Sadly, he knows most of the words of the day.) Let him say he likes the word eructation.

Oh… One more thing… Two more actually…

Patton at the Ministry of Minor Perfidy wrote a piece that was very similar to one that your Maximum Leader was thinking of. Here is Patton’s post on Brendlin v California While reading the accounts of the ruling in the Washington Post, your Maximum Leader found that the mention of Mr Brendlin’s race to be somewhat gratuitous. Having said that, your Maximum Leader was gratified by the outcome of the case. A small victory for individual rights…

Also, if you are a DC area blogger… And a war/board game geek… You might want to see about playing Axis and Allies at Casa de Buckethead on Bastille Day

That is about it for now… If the mood alights on your Maximum Leader, he might write more…

Carry on.

Links! Links! And some more links!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is running short on original content. Well… He is running short of original content that he feels is worth posting. (And frankly, if you’ve been reading what passes for posting here lately that should tell you that what he’s got ain’t all that…)

So, your Maximum Leader decided that he needed to showcase some links to other bloggers that he’s enjoyed reading lately.

Today’s HMQ post made your Maximum Leader laugh quite hard. He’s tried to think up his own pithy t-shirt sayings for young female co-eds. All he could come up with was: (MORALLY) LIBERAL. Not all that good, surely not as good as those of the HMQ’s Crack Young Staff. But your Maximum Leader feels his own self-esteem improving because he tried… And as we all know, just trying is all that matters.

Your Maximum Leader thought that Phin’s post about Bear Grylls at Agent Bedhead’s site was a hoot as well. Although your Maximum Leader likes to think that Bear could easily triumph in Episode 4 wherein Bear insults a Texan. He doesn’t think that Bear would fare well in Episode 5 in Compton. Your Maximum Leader thinks it is mostly the fact that the Bloods would just outnumber Bear. He could take one or two in a fight… But a whole gang… Prolly not… And then the horror of Episode 6… It is unspeakable…

Did you read Buckethead’s post about battleships and air power? Excellent work. All in all your Maximum Leader completely agrees. But, your Maximum Leader does believe that there is a limited utility for a fairly large gun/missile ship/sub in our naval arsenal. Although he doubts that any ship we come up with will be as aesthetically pleasing as an Iowa Class battleship. Also… Show Buckethead a little B-day love and send him money for his Jesus phone.

Is it possible to improve on bloggy perfection? Well… It seems as though Mrs P has figured out a way. Patum Peperium is one of your Maximum Leader’s favourite blogs, and now with more contributors it is even more better (as kids with a poor grasp of grammar would say).

And finally… If you are all for grown up reading (with some NSFW photos and language that the FCC now says is more or less okay if it is off the cuff and live) you should check out Skippy on Paris Hilton’s jail term (your Maximum Leader shocked Mrs Villain by agreeing with Skippy’s assessment that Paris is being treated more harshly than others in her situation and that is bad). You might also check out Skippy’s take on President Bush’s statement about Kossovar independence. (That link is work safe.) Your Maximum Leader has to say he agrees with Skippy on that too… Just to show your Maximum Leader isn’t always in agreement with Skippy… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think Lindsay Lohan is at all attractive in any way… So there…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was listening (as is his habit) to his trusty iPod today. It was randomly selecting songs… And picked this particular ditty to dish out to my waiting ears.

Since then, your Maximum Leader has been listening to The Traveling Wilburys all afternoon…

It is a shame that the quality of this video on You Tube is so sucky…

Carry on.

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