
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Loyal Minion Brian notes that today** is the anniversary of the Battle of Tours. Yes… Charles Martel (the first “Hammer” worth remembering in history - and one that didn’t wear parachute pants and have a “posse”) defeated the oft-victorious army of Abd er Rahman.

** - Today might not actually be the anniversary of the battle. Some sites say Oct 25. Another says Oct 10. Your Maximum Leader will check in some texts a little later. If you know an authoritative answer, please comment.

It is a battle that we all ought to remember. Hell, your Maximum Leader’s local paper remembered when he didn’t. (He rarely reads the local paper. It is a low-grade fish-wrap that garners most of what it publishes off the news wires.)

Anyhoo… For more on the Battle of Tours… Clicky here or here or here.

Carry on.


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