Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that today C-SPAN will be covering the Gonzales Confirmation Hearings. They will also be showing the counting of Electoral College Ballots. You will even be lucky enough (on C-Span 2) to see a debate about the elimination of the Electoral College.
But what you will NOT see is coverage of the debate at the New York Historical Society on the subject of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson; and which man’s vision of America has had more impact on our nation. And that is a real tragedy.
Your Maximum Leader would note that the much beloved Minion Molly wrote your Maximum Leader on this very subject after his earlier post concerning this debate. (Which reminds him that obviously many of you didn’t write C-Span and ask them to carry the debate…) Minion Molly wrote that it was obvious that Thomas Jefferson ad the greater impact on America. Now, your Maximum Leader will throw this out there for everyone’s consideration… While Thomas Jefferson’s immortal words in the Declaration of Independence have, without question, done more to shape the conscience of our nation; Alexander Hamilton’s vision of what America would be (in an economic, industrial, and political sense) has come to pass. We are not, Smallholder excepted, a nation of yeomen farmers living in pastoral tranquility under the protection of a weak central government.
Ruminate on that for a moment and if you have questions send them to your Maximum Leader for discussion.
Carry on.