Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader says go now and read Gregg Easterbrook’s Tuesday Morning Quarterback column on

And this week your Maximum Leader has a little bone to pick with the good Mr. Easterbrook. In the TMQ column, he argues that some subatomic particle research going on at Fermilab is so theoretical as to never be able to yeild a practical application. Easterbrook says that this research should be done with private funds.

Here is one area in which your Maximum Leader thinks Federal Dollars are appropriately spent. As best your Maximum Leader understands it, this highly theoretical research may not ever yeild a practical daily application thus private companies would not gain anything by funding this research. (Private foundations might however…) But the Federal Government probably should fund research that might not have practical application.

If anyone is really interested in your Maximum Leader’s thoughts on this, he’ll expand them later…

Carry on.

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