Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to bring to your attention another news item in the seemingly unending stream of stories that could be filed under the “legislators doing something stupid instead of the people’s business” category.
Texas Lawmakers OK Cheerleading Ban
What the hell? So if this law passes the Texas Senate and gets signed by Governor Rick Perry; then Texas high school cheerleaders will not be able to do “overly sexual performances” while urging their team on to victory? The State Education Commissioner will over oersight authority in enforcing this law?
Wha? To use an Axis Sully term, your Maximum Leader is gobsmacked.
Did Al Edwards (the author of the legislation) and his supporters who passed the bill suddenly forget that they were young too? Did they forget that if you put a teenaged girl in a cheerleading outfit (that is anything sort of a burqua), give her some pom-poms; then stand her in front of any group of teenaged boys - the boys will definately have overly sexual thoughts going through their mind. You can’t stop it. It is going to happen.
Hell, you put some teenaged girl wearing cheerleader attire in front of any (heterosexual) man of any age and you will illicit at least a fleeting sexual thought.
This is just simply ridiculous. Your Maximum Leader can hardly fathom the puritanical streak that someone must have to even think that this type of legislation is more important than… Well, more important than just about any type of business before the Texas Legislature. Don’t they have a budget they have to write? Don’t they want to reopen the whole redistricting fight again?
No… They want to take away cheerleaders.
Damn them all to hell.
Of course, your Maximum Leader would gladly volunteer to perform any required inspections and oversight on behalf of the State Education Commissioner should this bill become law.
Carry on.