They finally got it…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was amused to read the following quotation from one Ala’a Makki (the former head of one of Uday Hussein’s TV stations). In his last meeting with Makki, Uday Hussein said: “‘This time I think the Americans are serious. Bush is not like Clinton. I think this is the end.” This quotation is courtesy of the Washington Times. Read the whole article here.

Without trying to gratuitously bash President Clinton, your Maximum Leader believes that at the end Uday put his (soon-to-be-dead-in-a-shootout-with-US-GI’s) finger on something very important. Your Maximum Leader has firmly believe that the inconstancy of US foreign policy under President Clinton was a contributing factor in the 9/11 attacks. Terrorists were emboldened by our lack of resolve in many things foreign and believed that we would not be able/willing to respond forcefully. It seems at the end Uday Hussein might have realized that when Americans set their minds to something, we can make the impossible real.

Carry on.

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