The Real Problem With Buster

The real problem with Buster is not that is peripherally portrayed the lesbian parents of a maple syrup-making kid. After all, being raised hellbound homosexual hags doesn’t doom said hags’ children to hell; children raised by homosexuals are no more likely to be homosexuals than children raised by God-fearin’ heterosexuals.

The real danger to children is being raised by Jews and Muslims (And Buddhists and atheists and Zoarastrians - oh my!). Unfortunately, the devilish nature of heretical parents seems to be transmitted quite well to their progeny. Children raised in false religions are remarkably resistant to proseltization of America’s true religion.

So PBS ought to cancel all the Buster shows in which preschoolers might be exposed to (and - God forbid - become tolerant of!) false religions. We should especially try to ban the shows exploring Pagan Native American culture and shows that show Muslims as anything other than terorrists on a fast track to eternal suffering.

Praise Jesus that Evangelicals running the show now and can take a stand against this evil liberal tolerance of individual differences and freedoms.

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