The Maximum Leader Returns, Part Deux.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is tanned, rested, and returned from his fun beach vacation with the family. Perhaps another post follows on that topic later…

Well, your Maximum Leader sees that his suggestion for an Olympic Truce was met with the outcome of least effort, few posts. Que sera sera.

Well, your Maximum Leader admits that he will not likely be able to catch up on all the reading he missed from a full seven days away from anything resembling an internet connection, or a peronal computer for that matter. So with that in mind, how about a little link dumping to let some of your Maximum Leader’s favourite bloggers know that he does care about them.

Above all, allow your Maximum Leader to send belated first blogoversary wishes to the first (excluding the various ministers posting here) blogger to be ennobled with the sacred title of “Loyal Minion” — Kilgore Trout. Your Maximum Leader cannot heap enough praise on good Kilgore. There are few blogs your Maximum Leader checks multiple times a day. Kilgore’s in one of them. (Of course, Kilgore rarely posts more than one nugget of joy a day - which is probably related to the fact that he is a distance runner and can only summon up one nugget of joy a day; so perhaps your Maximum Leader is overanxious in seeking Kilgore updates.)

Just as Kilgore’s sexual frustrations amuse us, so too do the sexual frustrations of our Poet Laureate. Your Maximum Leader says morals be DAMNED! Fuck Miss SNU. Do it! Dooooooo it! Risk your lab-coat wearing job! Just do her! “Cutler” her even.

(NB: “To Cutler” a verb created by your Maximum Leader and the Smallholder while on their roadtrip. Its etymology comes from Jessica Cutler who revealed that men like her for her ass. Her half-Korean ass that is. Humm… The Poet Laureate is half-Korean… Jessica Cutler is half-Korean… If they got together and made babies - which by the way is unlikely if the Poet Laureate were to cutler Jessica Cutler - they would still be half-Korean wouldn’t they?)

Up next, Dr. Rusty Shackleford is always out there keeping an eye on what is important out there. And as a reward, he has more traffic than Noam Chomsky. Huzzah! As an added reward, Rusty will not be dragged out and shot for idiocy when the MWO comes. The same cannot be said for Noam.

Since Anna hasn’t posted in almost as long as your Maximum Leader one can only assume that the Botox went horribly wrong.

Your Maximum Leader thought of Annika while on vacation. Not like that! Get your minds out of the gutter. (But Annika can bring out the best in men that is for sure.) Knowing how Annika enjoys flying and planes caused your Maximum Leader to think of her when he took the Villainettes to Kill Devil Hills and paid a little homage to the brothers Wright.

BRD is now on vacation, but his short missive on toilets amused your Maximum Leader. Which reminds your Maximum Leader, didn’t the Poet Laureate have a run-in with Japanese toilets? He must have posted about it, but your Maximum Leader lacks the will to find the post(s) in question.

Your Maximum Leader also missed reading Bill’s blog while he was gone. Bill wrote a remarkably thoughtful comment on the recent post of the AirMarshal concerning the young girl and communion. While your Maximum Leader will not go into much comment on this matter here, he is torn between understanding the church’s position (at least its theological foundations) and the knowledge that the church has made exceptions frm time to time for good reasons. It seems to him as though this wouldn’t be a bad time for an exception.

What can one say about Skippy? Well… Your Maximum Leader, like Skippy, finds Michele Malkin hot. (But never has a happy ending watching her on TV. And your Maximum Leader watched her on Hardball last week too. She got her delicious ass handed to her by Matthews. But, in all honesty, Matthews was being a domineering bastard who wouldn’t let her talk.) And just to note one more thing, your Maximum Leader believes that the more physically attractive a woman is, the less likely she is to be good in bed. Just like Skippy says.

Your Maximum Leader always likes Rachel’s blog. This must be, in part, because she loves classical music. But really Rachel? You’d prefer the Overture from Tristan und Isolde rather than the Liebestodt? Perhaps you should give a listen and reconsider. (And try this recording instead. Your Maximum Leader is a sucker for Kirsten Flagstad.) Your Maximum Leader also thanks Rachel for the link to Communists for Kerry. Your Maximum Leader thought he would originally do his blog along a communist theme, but sadly discovered that it was already done, and done better than he would likely be able to pull off.

Speaking of the Commissar, he also directs us to Communists for Kerry.

In closing let your Maximum Leader give a shout out to his Dear Buddhist Minion Andi… Your Maximum Leader says get the fitted tee and the thong.


Then send photos. Your Maximum Leader will then decide if you are a bad Buddhist or a naughty Buddhist. Such determinations are only possible with photographic evidence. (And if in these hypothetical photos you are clutching a sword while wearing the fitted tee and the thong your Maximum Leader would be unable to control himself and would likely have a hormonal overload… Frankly just the thought in his mind of a sword-wielding, tee-topped, thong-clad Buddhist chicka is causing him to go a little cross-eyed.)

With that last comment, your Maximum Leader (necessarily) declares this post closed.

Carry on.

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I see you didn’t bring your knee pads again.

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