The Maximum Leader and The Man

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figured he’d do something he doesn’t often do. Blog about a pleasant interaction he had with the bureaucrats of his Federal Government. And not just any bureaucrats, but bureaucrats at the Internal Revenue Service. That’s right, your Maximum Leader’s blogging about The Man.

You see, a few months back your Maximum Leader got a letter from the Internal Revenue Service claiming that he owed Uncle Sam’s treasury money from when he filed his 2003 taxes. Your Maximum Leader went through his records and found that he had probably misfiled a one form and that was the cause of the problem. He wrote a polite letter and sent via overnight carrier the letter and copies of his tax documents to the agent at the IRS. He then made a follow-up call to the agent to ensure that the documents were recieved. They were. But the agent, at the time, hadn’t had a chance to review them. The agent said that he would call back in the next few weeks with a disposition. Well, not only did the agent call and say all was well and the mix-up now cleared up; but a letter to the same effects showed up on the exact same day in the mail.

So, in this one transaction, your Maximum Leader had a passable experience interacting with his Federal Government.

Of course, your Maximum Leader is still a retrograde Steve Forbes supporting flat-tax geek and would like to see the IRS (more or less) eliminated. But he will at least say that he had an okay experience with The Man.

Carry on.

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