The Founders Were Right To Distrust Mobocracy

This was the FIRST special session of Congress in 56 years.

To pass a law to “save” a woman who died fiteen years ago.

A law that is patently unconstitional as a bill of attainder and a violation of the equal protection of law.

But the law doesn’t actually do anything.

It allows a federal judge to review state court rulings. The federal judges will uphold the state court rulings - which were all solid and proved immune to challenge. As a matter of medical fact, Schiavo is brain dead. As established finding, Terri would not have wished to be kept alive. Even barring her wish, if she did not express a wish, her husband has the decision-making authority. None of those issues are open to legal dispute.

So essentially we have the picture of our federal government posing for the mob as if they were taking action.

I can’t wait for the Mike World Order.

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