That’s A Lot of Lobster

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Howard Dean is thinking of trying to become DNC Chairman. Humm… Your Maximum Leader thinks that this is a “feel good” move for Democrats. Your Maximum Leader knows that deep in many Democratic hearts there is a soft spot for Howard Dean. He is the man you first fell in love with when trying to unseat President Bush. How does that expression go? Something like you never forget your first?

Now your Maximum Leader will state that Howard Dean will certainly be no worse than Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe has been a complete bust for the Democratic Party. So on the face of it, Dean couldn’t do much worse. If the Democrats under Dean could pick up a few House seats and a Senate seat or two he would be much more successful than McAuliffe.

Excursus: Your Maximum Leader, while not prone to giving in to wild conspiracy theories, wonders if McAuliffe - Bill Clinton’s man - wasn’t sent to the DNC to fail miserably and thereby make Clinton look even better in retrospect… Naww… Too improbable.

But getting back to the point. Moving Dean to the DNC is going to make lots of liberal Democrats feel a whole lot better. (And it is all about feeling better isn’t it? Not about being better?) But if the Democratic Party wants to win over some voters who “defected” to George Bush they will have to do better. They will have to put a nice moderate Democrat into that office. Someone like Tom Vilsack of Iowa or Mark Warner of Virginia.

Of course, your Maximum Leader, rather selfishly, wouldn’t mind Dean being DNC Chairman. Dean amused your Maximum Leader so much during the primaries there is no reason to think that he wouldn’t continue to do so as DNC Chairman.

Excursus: Is it DNC Chairman or DNC Chair? How politically correct do you have to get? Your Maximum Leader hates the word “Chair” used as description of a presiding officer of some sort. Chairman or Chairwoman is fine. Chair? A Chair is something common your Maximum Leader rests his arse in. A Chair doesn’t preside over the Democratic National Committee.

Carry on.

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