Technology Race

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in a vain attempt to make up for quality of posting by just putting up some crap, would like to provide you with two links.

The first link shows that American engineered and built aircraft are the finest in the world. A new Boeing 777 just flew 12,586 miles with out refueling. In case you are wondering kids… That flight was from Hong Kong to London via North America. A new world record. Breaking a record previously held by another Boeing aircraft…

Hey Airbus Industries! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

But alas, while US aircraft are superior to all others… It seems that the US is lagging far behind the Japanese when it comes to microwavable lingere. Your Maximum Leader demands that US companies start working to close the microwavable lingere gap! We can’t have hot Japanese chicks going around warming their boobs during the winter while hot American chicks go around with cold boobs! We all know what happens when boobs get cold… Oh yeah… Humm…

On second thought… We can afford a microwavable lingere gap after all.

Carry on.

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