Suspicions Confirmed!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t had time to blog. It seems that a nasty virus has struck Villainette #1. And your Maximum Leader has done the fatherly thing and is tending to her in her time of need. Last night that consisted of sleeping on a rather large (and fairly luxurious) sofa with Villainette #1. Now, from time to time your Maximum Leader has actually slept on the sofa in question. (No giggling! It has mostly been a result of staying up late to watch tv and being too lazy to walk to bed.) But in the end, that sofa is not nearly as comfy as his extra firm king-sized bed. And it is made less comfy by a 7 year old moaning, thrashing, and waking up every 45 minutes to check to make sure you’re still thre.


You might remember that your Maximum Leader wrote last week about how he smelled a rat in the story of the Los Alamos whistleblower being beaten up at a strip club. Don’t remember? Check it out.

Well, your Maximum Leader’s narrative was, in fact, closer to the truth than some minions thought… Read all about it: Cops Debunk Whistleblower Beating

Another sign of your Maximum Leader’s penetrating insight…

Carry on.

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Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee.

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