States Rights Democrat?

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just trying to catch up on his reading of various websites he enjoys. It has been hard for your Maximum Leader to keep up his reading, because of his constant plotting and behind-the-scenes manipulation of the world.

Your Maximum Leader read over Jonah Goldberg’s most recent NRO column. Hummm… Your Maximum Leader was a little shocked to read this DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe quotation in the first paragraph:

“Our Constitution, a sacred document ‚ÄövÑvÆ you know, our forefathers knew what they were doing. This wasn’t a rough draft. And let’s not try to continually do amendments to it as we move forward. I would like the states to make the decisions on what they think is right in their individual state. It shouldn’t be up to the federal government.”

This quotation was, as you can imagine, concerning the current gay marriage debate. But really… Did he say that? For a hot second there your Maximum Leader thought that Terry McAuliffe was finally coming around.

But then your Maximum Leader realized that somehow the spirit of John C. Calhoun must have possessed McAuliffe. The Democrats can only hope that they have a good Exorcist somewhere in the party…

Carry on.

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