I was planning on seeing Revenge of the Sith this coming Wednesday at a local premium theater called The Arclight: I could avoid the opening weekend insanity, the seats are assigned, and there’s a decent bar in the complex where some friends and I could enjoy a few drinks before sitting down for the movie. Unfortunately, I got a last minute work offer that’s going to keep me busy for the next few weeks, so my viewing of the saga’s conclusion (nevermind the episode order) is delayed. In the meantime I’m avoiding spoilers and chatty friends, while setting up a huge battle story in my living room with all the old Star Wars toys just like I did when I was eight. In truth, I suspect the storylines I developed as a child were probably more personally satisfying than anything Lucas has done with episodes I, II, or III (I hated the first two). Yeah, Lucas is going to get my money, but it doesn’t mean I won’t be snippy about it.