Speaking of women and website statistics

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just reviewing the site statistics provided by Superb Internet for this site. (Superb Internet, the official webhosting company of the MWO.) It seems our web traffic has dropped again. Down to an average of a meagre 30 unique visitors a day. (Could it be because no one has been writing? Humm…) Well, aside from that juicy tidbit, what more could your Maximum Leader share with you?

Women. That is what he can share with you. It seems that at least 3 unique visitors this week came here by typing “jennifer love hewitt bold naked pictures” into some search engine. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t feel the need to replicate this search, but if you are here looking for photos of the Official Sex Goddess of the MWO, here is one.

Of course this could be a strategery for increasing web traffic… More writing of words on the site like Jennifer Love Hewitt naked picutres (bold or unbold). Or words like: sexy jennifer love hewitt pictures; sex jennifer love hewitt photos; nude jennifer love hewitt photos. That should give me a boost. (This is now topical since Minister of Propaganda just posted a link to the beautiful, sexy, and sometimes naked Kae Moss.)

Not that your Maximum Leader would want to cheapen his site in such a way to just increase web traffic…

Since your Maximum Leader has started reviewing some of the search terms used to find this site… Here were some others (with comment from your Maximum Leader):

1) iraq war usa saddam hussen (understand this one)
2) maryland s economy in 1770 s (don’t ever recall discussing the economy of Maryland in the 18th century)
3) clean public transportation baghdad (don’t recall ever discussing public transport, much less clean public transport in Baghdad)
4) servalance equipment sound (someone might have misspelled surveillance in a recent post on intellegence… )
5) jennifer love hewitt bold naked pictures (ahem…)
6) gooning masturbation (sounds like this could be a porn flick)
and the big big big big winner….
7) boy sodomized dog (your Maximum Leader has no idea where that came from)

So those were the highlights of the list. What a great list it is too.

Continuing on the site statistics subject, you may be asking yourself “Self, other than people looking for naked photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt (Official Sex Goddess of the MWO); who might be referring readers to this page?” Well, your Maximum Leader has that answer, for this month at least… The number one referrer would be our very own Poet Laureate, the Big Hominid. Number two would be the very lovely and funny Anna at Primal Purge. Next would be our very loyal minion, and involuntary celebate, Kilgore Trout. Next would be the great Dr. Keith Burgess-Jackson. And an honourable mention goes to Classical Values. Since Classical Values has such a long blogroll, your Maximum Leader is extra pleased that a few good surfers chose to click through to us, here at Nakedvillainy.com. One more honourable mention will go to Biffa the Pieman. Your Maximum Leader has never heard of Biffa the Pieman, but now that he knows that people (okay two people) are coming from that site to this one, he will go over to Biffa’s site and read some of his stuff.

That appears to be enough about your Maximum Leader’s site statistics… Which overall is not a very stimulating topic he is sure, but because we can write Jennifer Love Hewitt nude over and over again it might be a topic to review next month.

Carry on.

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