Some changes to the site.STATUS: Publish

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is still trying to figure out what the heck happened to his archives. We’ll have to see what can be done to resolve this problem. (If any of you loyal minions are familiar with the Blogger loosing your archives problem, please feel free to contact us. Your Maximum Leader can be quite generous to those who help advance his nefarious plans.)

Thanks are in order to the Poet Laureate/Big Hominid. He was good enough to give me a copy of the title banner with a colour cartoon. This new title bar now graces the top of this page.

Your Maximum Leader also did some changes to the blogroll. He added a few sites he visits with some frequency, and sadly removed Mr. Green from the blogroll. In his most recent post, Mr. Green indicated that he is going to be giving up blogging. It is very sad really. He is a funny guy. But blogging can be a cruel mistress. You can write and write and write, and never feel like you have accomplished anything. Or you can not write and feel the pull of your neglected blog tugging at your pant-leg like a starving waif in a Calcutta slum. Fare thee well Mr. Green. Your Maximum Leader will keep your blog in his bookmark list and will check from time to time to see if you relent. Until that day, your Maximum Leader doffs his floppy (bejeweled) cap in your direction.

Carry on.

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