Smallholder - Playing Catch Up

I have been a bit remiss in posting lately - essay tests to grade AND hungry infant.

So here are some quick responses to the prolific Maximum Leader:

Scott Peterson. Glad he is convicted. Didn’t think it would happen. While I oppose the death penalty in principle, this is one I would like to see in reality. This is the problem with having a purely intellectual position; when I see stomach-churning evil, I want to kill criminals on an emotional level. In principle,I believe vigilante justice is wrong. But if it was my daughter at the bottom of San Francisco Bay, Mr. Peterson would not have to worry about old sparky. He might be wearing a vest when he leaves the courthouse, but with my scope I should be able to do a head shot. Just sayin’.

Bill Bennett. I have blogged before that I did not have a problem with his gambling. The Big Ho relates that he initially lied about his games-of-chance-addiction. If so, the immorality is in the lie, not the game. I agree with the Maximum Leader that the gambling, by itself, is not immoral. It may shock our readers, but I assure you tat Mike and I actually do agree on quite a lot. We just don’t blog about those issues ‘cuz it t’aint no fun.

Cockfighting. Ban it. Take the spectators, attach metal spurs to their feet, handcuff their hands behind their back, and drop the lot of ‘em in a pit. Wait till a winner has emerged. Fill in pit.

Arafat. Was it wrong for me to take pleasure in the death of another human being? What particularly amuses me is the idea that somewhere in a Swiss bank is a huge chunk o’ embezzled cash AND Arafat’s paranoia preventing him from giving the account number to anyone. Some Swiss bankers are quite amused.

Arafat was not a good leader. His people’s misery has continued because of his unrealistic goal of committing genocide. Continual struggle against the oppressor with no hope of success is immoral, even if you don’t target children like the Palestinians do. They, as a people, would be better off if they realized that Israel is here for the long term and started building a new, accomodationist nation.

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