Sitcom Comparisons

Sadie, around whose adoration this blog revolves*, once said that a certain pair of bloggers reminded her of the Crane Brothers. Alas and alack, like the tease she is, she never did fill us in on who was who.

But Sadie has also recently made reference to the great classic TV Show “Saved By the Bell.”

I think “Saved By the Bell” is an interesting analogy to the Minister of Naked Villainy.

I’m the popular, witty, handsome, entirely ungreasy Zack.

The Foreign Minister is the athletic Slater.

The Maximum Leader is Screech, whose pathetic attempts at woo-pitching are a source of great amusement.

And The Minister of Propaganda? He’s one of those whiney girls. I don’t know which. Pick one.

Admit it: You love it when we get catty.

* To all of you English-major types out there who object to the construction of this sentence, I have this to say: Your petty grammar fascism is nonsense, up with which, I will not put.

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