Sex Post.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader enticed you with the title, oui? Bien sur oui. Yes loyal minions, once and a while your Maximum Leader decides to post a little sexy stuff to the ole blog. (And he promises to not once mention Jennifer Love Hewitt… D’oh!)

Your Maximum Leader was reading over the Reuters news wire and found this. First the Japanese get all prudish about sex, and now the Swedes! What is the world coming to? Are we all becoming Lutheran? (Well, at least the Swedes who still go to church instead of sucking off the teat of their liberal-socialist-welfare-monarchist-state.) You know, Norm is running some special where he will teach you what to eat and such to increase stamina during those adult activities…

Speaking of adult activities… Your Maximum Leader was reading Cerebral Bypass this morning and noticed this post which contains a link to a not work safe site. (Really it is not safe for work!) So your Maximum Leader looked over the link… Humm…

It was probably not a good thing for your Maximum Leader to do. Think about sex. Why you may ask? Well, although he normally refrains from mentioning these types of things in this forum… Your Maximum Leader hasn’t been getting any “action” from Mrs. Villain. Why you may ask? Doctor’s orders. While she has been with little Villain, the Doctor has said no conjugation. No release for your Maximum Leader’s animal instincts. Consequently your Maximum Leader has been a little… What is the word? Uptight. Tense. Frustrated. Humm… Any of those will do.

You know it is a sad state of affairs when the happily married Maximum Leader is not getting his needs met as frequently as Kilgore or Skippy.

What about your Maximum Leader’s long term prostate health? What’s a Maximum Leader to do? Start the MWO sooner and in a fit of pent-up rage? Can he seek “professional” help? We know that if your Maximum Leader were in Germany he couldn’t get the state to pay for it. But what if he had the means to procure such services? Here is a question for you. Is medicially required loss of consortium a technical loophole through which “professional” help in this type of matter may not constitute grounds for divorce?

NB: After much consultation, Mrs. Villain doesn’t consider it a loophole in her book. And she also resists my arguments allowing such a loophole in the whimsically codified law of the MWO. Humm… Your Maximum Leader will have to work on that a little more.

Well, with “professional” help out of the question what else is there? Well, your Maximum Leader will not start exposing himself while getting take away food that is for sure. And poultry is also out of bounds. That only leaves.. well… you know…

Carry on.

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