Seperate For the Sake of Culture

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s lovely wife, sainted father, life-long pal the Air Marshal, and stunning sister-in-law all attended Virginia Tech. One could say he has an affection for the place. When college football time rolls around he is a big Hokies fan.

Well imagine your Maximum Leader’s surprise when he read JohnL’s site this morning and found this piece.

It seems that Virginia Tech is accomodating some visiting Saudi college professors by teaching classes separated by sex. Men in one class, women in another.

Are your Maximum Leader and John the only two put out by this? (We aren’t he’s sure…) Why make such an accomodation? In order to be culturally sensitive? Come on. It is a weak administration that falls back on that canard. Your Maximum Leader can hardly believe that no students or faculty at Virginia Tech have made a big hullaballoo about this. (Perhaps they have and it just isn’t being reported.)

Shame on you Virginia Tech. Shame.

Carry on.

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