Seasonal News from Scotland.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads that a soon to be abolished baronial court in Scotland is pardoning 81 people convicted of witchcraft between 1500-1600.

The witches were convicted on the basis of spectral evidence. That is to say that witnesses against the “witches” were said to “feel evil spirits” or “heard spirit voices.”

Your Maximum Leader has to get in his two groats worth on this one. First off, where is the outrage that a soon-to-be-abolished reminant of feudal Scotland is exercising its powers and not just sitting around waiting to go away?

Secondly, according to the Witchcraft Act of 1735 it is a crime to pretend to be a witch. Your Maximum Leader wants to know if the accused weren’t just pretending to be witches.

And lastly, your Maximum Leader is noting down “spectral evidence.” Be warned that in the show trials of the MWO you may just hear that term again.

Carry on.

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