Search Terms & New Sites

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader from time to time looks over his site server statistics and sees what interesting stuff he might not have known about you, his minions/visitors.

He normally doesn’t spend too much time doing this, because it is only of vauge interest to him. Well, he learned that if you do a Yahoo search on the term “what food group does the indian pyton fit into” you will find that this website is the third result in the list.

Kinda makes you feel special now doesn’t it?

Of course, it also makes your Maximum Leader a little cross. Because no one told him that there was a spelling error in one of his rotating tag lines. (It is now fixed.) But still… It is irksome.

In other news… The reason that your Maximum Leader was looking through his site server numbers is that he is considering commercializing his site. Yup. He is thinking he might put one or two blogads on the site as it is being redesigned.

He still isn’t sure. But if he could get $5-10 (or more!) a month that would be okay.

In other news. He noticed a fe blogs he’d never seen before who have Nakedvillainy on their blogroll. They are:

Your Maximum Leader will check them out and perhaps blogroll them as well.

Carry on.

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