
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is tired, very tired. (More on that later perhaps.) But he did see this: Scholars Grapple With Godzilla Legacy on the newswire and felt he had to comment.

There is a huge legacy to grapple with when discussing Godzilla… How many times did he sack Tokyo? More times than the US Army Air Force by your Maximum Leader’s reckoning. And it was amazing how quickly they would rebuild that city… And your Maximum Leader knows that the Japanese have thought of their nation as the “land of the Gods.” Well, it also seems to be home to fire-breathing lizards, giant moths, and massive mechanical dinosaurs bent on destruction. One wonders how Japan’s economic development was hampered by all those monster attacks. Perhaps the reason that the Japanese economy has been on the ropes the past few years is because monster attacks have been on the decline.

At any rate, you can tell there is a lot to talk about in Lawrence, Kansas over the 3 days of the conference. Let’s hope the outcome of their grappling is a comprehensive anti-monster plan for the US and the world. Because frankly, if one of those monsters decided to align themselves with Al-Quaida… Well, it is best not to imagine it…

Carry on.

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