Royal Navy… RIP

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is overwhelmed with melancolia. The once proud Royal Navy is slowly becoming no more. Look upon this Guardian article, ye mighty; and despair.

As an Anglophile and great lover of the history of the Royal Navy this makes your Maximum Leader very sad. Indeed, he has a framed poster above his computer in the Villainschloss that reads “The British Navy guards the freedom of us all.” Alas, we know that Britain’s time as a world leader has passed. But come on John Bull! You’re going to give up 300 years of naval supremacy over the French! Be ye prepared to give up kippers, bangers & mash, and beans on toast to the onlslaught of croissants, coq au vin, and roquefort.

Your Maximum Leader finds it hard to continue.

Carry on.

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