More on FISA

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, and his Minister of Propaganda, have written a few posts about the developing FISA situation. Loyal minions will recall that your Maximum Leader and the Minister of Propaganda are pretty close in agreement on how we view many of the salient points that have come to light so far.

But to give the other side some fair play, and to give you all a chance to think more on the subject, your Maximum Leader will direct you towards a post of the good Dr. Rusty Shackleford from yesterday. The most interesting item is the leaking of Department of Justice documents which support President Bush’s decision to authorize the electronic surveillance. Dr. Rusty also provides some thoughtful analysis.

Your Maximum Leader will ruminate more on this and probably give you thoughts in a bit.

Carry on.

The Fertile Irish

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, contrary to the sometimes exhortations of the Smallholder, is quite facinated with studies of genetics. He remembers a number of scientific papers which came out over the past few years on the tracing of the “Cohen” gene among jews - and how that gene found its way into a remote primative tribe in southern Africa. Very interesting stuff. And one should mention the genetic studies that link Thomas Jefferson with Sally Hemmings. Also very interesting.

Well… This article is very interesting as well. Niall of the Nine Hostages (which by the way is one hell of a cool moniker - it may not be quite as cool as Abdul the Damned - but it is quite cool) appears to be the biological father of his country. One in twelve Irishmen could be related to Niall of the Nine Hostages. 1 in 12!

According to the piece the decendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages are part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty. The family names included in the dynasty appear to be Gallagher, Boyle, O’Donnell and O’Doherty. One wonders if O’Neills” might also be part of this group.

Hummm… Could Stotch (McStotch?) also be part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty? The world wonders.

Carry on.

Opinion Journal on Reaganomics

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will draw yor attention to today’s lead-off editorial from the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal. It is on Reaganomics 25 years later. Your Maximum Leader believes that you may need to register to view the article. (It’s free - and well worth it.) So go and read.

If you are too lazy to clicky and read… Well your Maximum Leader reproduced the whole article below the fold.

Carry on.

Naked Villainy is #1

For googling “demery’s underwear.”

I’m so proud.

Bad News For Agent Bedhead

Sadie claims that this photo bears no resemblence to her appearance in real life.

Bad news, toots.

I was just thumbing through the old college photo albums.

Remember that time we hopped on the train to visit the Minister of Propaganda in New Haven?

And slammed the Heniekens at Demery’s?

And woke up in the gutter in our underwear?

Yeah, you looked like that picture.

Brian, Bill, and Kevin Are Right!

Smallholder is a heretic:

You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man’s fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you’re still excommunicated in 417.



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Are you a heretic?
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not a heretic?

I decided to try that “heretic” quiz, using my theo class knowledge to finesse the results and see whether I could score as a non-heretic. Sure enough– 100%, baby. Read it and weep. I can pass for a good Christian at will.

You scored as Chalcedon compliant. You are Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you’re not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.

Chalcedon compliant




























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You humble Smallholder has nominated Ally’s “Who Moved My Truth” for Loyal Minion Status on multiple occasions.

But the Maximum Leader does not bestow this ultimate state sanction lightly.

But I predict that this post may finally convince Mike to elevate our pretty Pennsylvanian paramour into the exalted Pantheon, taking her place alongside Kevin, Bill, Sadie, Phin, Skippy, and Dr. Shackleford.

I have only one question to ask about Ally’s placatory purveyance of pictures o’ pulchritude:

What am I, chopped liver? I can’t believe you’d post JLH without a companion post of JP. Very, very disappointing.

UPDATE: You are under no obligation to placate the MoP with KM. She’s a scawny crackhead anyway.

Smallholder: Patriarchal Oppressor of Ally and Sadie

Upon further reflection, I’m going to adopt a literalist view of the Bible.

The next time Ally or Sadie has the temerity to question my role as “THE FONT OF TRUTH,” I’m going to give them the back of my hand, spare not the rod, and deliver unto them the wise words of Paul in I Corinthians 14:34-36:

“Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church, for Adam was formed first, then Eve.”

If they complain I am missing the true meaning of Pau’s words, I’ll bolster my patriarchal oppression with another Pauline injunction from Timothy 2:11-3:

“Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence For Adam was first formed, then Eve.”

Or, I might go all Old Testament and bust out Genesis 3:16:

“Unto the woman He said… your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

So, ladies, I hereby command you, as man, to stop publishing your opinions on your blogs. When I want your opinions, I’ll give them to you.

Of course, I need to be careful about flinging Bible verses around or the Maximum Leader is liable to break out the Deuteronemy. Darn Deuteronemy.

Smallholder: Patriarchal Oppressor of Women

When a woman claims that the man is keeping her down, I’m the man.

Smallholder’s the man.

Seriously, Ally warns me that I’m about to lose something very precious.

The feminist mantra that men ought not to opine about abortion is (insert profane, dismissive phrase here).

If one believe that the fetus is a human life, abortion is murder. The fact that the murder is taking place within the body of another person is irrelevent. One is obligated to protect human life against those who would take it.

So the intnt of abortion foes is not to subjugate women. Period.

That said, it is clear that a high proportion of pro-life crusaders are men. This is probably because the religious groups most likely to (erroneously) believe that their literally interpreted Bible says that life begins at conception are also the same groups most likely to belive that their literally interpreted Bible says that women should not hold leadership positions in the church. Their relegation of women to second class status has a great deal more biblical support than their anti-abortion stand. If you don’t believe me, peruse the fiercely sexist Pauline epistles.

For fundamentalists,
Abortion = murder.
Leadership = men.
Therefore, anti-abortion leadership = men.

I’ll confess that many fundamentalist leaders like Pat Robertson would like to re-relegate women to the domestic sphere. But the opposition to abortion is not, repeat not, a function of their patriarchal viewpoint. Their patriarchal viewpoint and their opposition to abortion are both the result of their particular way of inerpreting the Bible.

So it is:

Literal interpretation = anti-abortion + female submission
Female submission = anti-abortion.

As I grapple with the abortion issue in the coming updates, please don’t send any Steinemesque invective my way. I am not a literalist and, being the rationalist Episcopalian that I am, believe that God’s equal distribution of intellect to men and women is indicative of his desire that men and women be equal partners in every sphere*. I think Paul’s admonitions to women to be silent are more reflective of Paul’s cultural sexism than the WILL O’ GOD. For me, the entire issue is whether or not the fetus is human (and yes, Brian, I acknowledge that the term is problematic) and possesses a soul. Everything revolves around that issue. If the fetus isn’t human, women ought to do whatever they want to the tumors in their wombs. If the fetus is human, feminist ideology is no defense for murder.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw this quiz over on Brian’s site. He thought he’d give it a shot…

You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man’s fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you’re still excommunicated in 417.























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Are you a heretic?
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One hopes there will be no burning as a result of taking this quiz…

Carry on.

FISA and the Imperial Presidency

Maximum Leader has twice commented on the wiretap issue, and in general — surprisingly or not — we are in agreement on the basic points. However, I think it’s important to frame the issue in a much larger context than just “protecting the rights of terrorists.” The larger issue isn’t about the technicalities of the law, but rather the nature of our government. It’s an issue that is definitely worth getting “hot and bothered” about. Our civil liberties are worth getting hot and bothered about. The checks and balances in our Constitution are worth getting hot and bothered about. In the end, if you’re going to allow the President and the administration to do anything they want (for another example, the President wrote a signature statement exempting himself from McCain’s anti-torture measure), then who in the administration do you trust to determine who the terrorists are? Who do you trust to say what’s in the best interest of this country? Who do you trust to determine what’s necessary to fight a war, particularly a war that is never ever ever going to end?

Let’s review recent history. Do you trust the members of the administration who selectively used intelligence to support their reasons to go to war? Do you trust the President who regularly ignores the council of his own Attorney General and the DoJ? Do you trust the individuals who — for purely and unarguably partisan reasons — leaked the name of Wilson’s CIA wife?

The reason we have FISA is because Nixon abused the power and trust of the office. Congress passed a law and Presidents have to abide by it. It may be American Government 101 but it bears repeating: Presidents don’t make laws, nor should they. The founding fathers didn’t set up a system that depended on trust. By all accounts, everyone loved George Washington, but they still insisted on a system of checks and balances in the Constiution.

It is a horrible horrible mistake to cast this issue in terms of liberty vs security. The issue is the office of the Presidency itself, whether you agree with the actions of that individual or not. Minions, please get hot and bothered, and for once I’m not talking about sex when I say that. The very nature of the Republic is at stake.


A Reason to Go to LA

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the Getty Villa (the original home of the Getty Museum) will reopen on January 28. Your Maximum Leader is sure that it will be a grand reopening. Visiting the Getty Villa will be added to the list of things to do next time your Maximum Leader makes it out to the west coast.

Not that he is sure when that will be…

Carry on.

More on Wiretaps

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has alluded for weeks now that he would write something more about the whole FISA wiretap stuff. He’s tried and tried. But he just can’t seem to make a cogent post out of his jumble of thoughts on the matter.

Not that a jumble of disjointed thoughts will stop him from trying!

This is reasonably timely since a number of “civil liberties” organizations are now suing to stop the wiretapping. Allow your Maximum Leader to start here. This (these?) lawsuit (lawsuits?) will go positively no where. Read the words again minions. No. Where. These groups have no standing (repeat no standing) in order to sue. No one is exactly sure who was eavesdropped upon. And while your Maximum Leader has heard such names as Christopher Hitchens bandied about, there is no proof of this. If you weren’t eavesdropped on by the NSA you don’t have the standing to sue. Your Maximum Leader predicts that the suits will be thrown out. But not until there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Secondly… Your Maximum Leader read many of the links that so many of you were kind enough to recommend. Allow him to say that his opinion has changed. While a few weeks ago he would have said he was 80% sure that what the Bush Administration had done was illegal he is now only about 60% sure that the electronic surveillance was illegal. That 40% left over is doubt. Not belief that it could legal. It is doubt. Doubt caused by turning the various issues here over and over again. After turning the issues over and over again your Maximum Leader can see a whole bunch of open questions that could be argued either way in a court. Provided you could find someone harmed by the eavesdropping and get them to sue.

To expand… Your Maximum Leader fully believes that the US government can and should engage in whatever manner of surveillance it can overseas. This is to say that we should train and use spies. We should put up spy satellites and photograph everything we can. We should penetrate foreign computer networks and gather as much electronic data as we can. We should recruit and reward foreigners to act on our behalf all over the world. All this type of stuff is pretty much legal.

But the US government can’t do these things to Americans in the United States.

The sticky wicket in all this is the way technology breaks down barriers. What do we do when someone overseas (who we can listen to) calls someone in the US (who we can’t listen to without a court order)? Your Maximum Leader will out and say that he isn’t sure. Nothing he’s read has convinced him of any position. His natural inclination is to require the government to get a court order. He likes it when the government has checks to limit its power in cases where it will use its power against his liberty.

What about a person using a “global phone” in the US? That person might “look” like he is overseas - even when he in’t. What about intercepting e-mails from someone in Pakistan to someone in the US? Again… There are lots of reasonable positions out there. Most of those reasonable positions have never been really tested in the courts. That being the case, one would hope that one would rely on their legal counsel. The Bush Administration pretty much ignored its own Attorney General. Now, it is possible that the AG was wrong and that the counsel given by the Dept of Justice was also wrong. But why not just go ahead and go to the special court that almost never rejects a request for an order to eavesdrop on someone?

So… One has a lot of untested issues out there to consider. Your Maximum Leader would have preferred more deliberation and debate on this matter.

Of course, there is another significant issue in all this. Who really wants to be the guy standing up for the terrorists in America? Your Maximum Leader would like to do everything possible to find the terrorist in our midst. (And once found he hopes that ill befalls the terrorist.) But your Maximum Leader would prefer to fight for the rights of everyone - even the terrorists residing in the US - than just say that the need to find the terrorists outweighs our need to protect our liberty. That is a pretty friggin unpopular position don’t you think? Your Maximum Leader thinks it’s an unpopular position. It makes him feel dirty (and not in a good way) advocating it. But advocate it he will. The government of the US should not be able to suspend our liberties just because there is a war on. This is the same government that didn’t want us to sacrifice or change our lifestyle just because we’re at war. Why should we be okay with sacrificing our right from warrantless searches when we don’t have to sacrifice our right to buy, buy, BUY at the mall?

The last point your Maximum Leader will make (now) on this topic is the “Oh Hum” nature of the scandal. This story has no legs. The regular person just doesn’t care. This gets back to the “defending the terrorists” aspect of it. Who is the government monitoring? Why the terrorists of course. And the people the terrorists are talking to. And the people that the people the terrorists are talking to are being monitored too. Who knows how many levels it goes? For all he knows your Maximum Leader is being monitored. He knows people from Pakistan. Those people from Pakistan know people in Pakistan - and talk to them regularly. Those people in Pakistan have neighbours. And the neighbours might know some terrorists. That is about 4 levels down the line as your Maximum Leader counts it. Humm…

But getting back to the “oh hum” nature of this issue… There is no great font of untapped fondness for terrorists or terror suspects. So are the American people going to get all hot and bothered about the rights of possible bad guys? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think so. That does make this issue a little more insidious.

Well… There is a whole post on wiretapping. Perhaps, somewhere, there is a cogent thought in it…

Carry on.

Abortion: No Easy Answer (Part I)

Conflicted On Abortion

I understand and respect both camps in the great abortion debate.

Pro-lifers really do believe life begins at conception. They aren’t, as the pro-choicers would have you believe, a bunch of misogynistic men plotting to subjugate women.

Pro-choicers believe that the fetus is not yet a person. They aren’t evil baby murderers as the pro-lifers would have us believe.

The crux of the issue is beyond compromise. If the fetus is an ensouled moral agent, abortion is murder. Period. If you believe that, you are bound to actively oppose murder, as it is the worst possible crime you can commit against another person - “you take away all that he has and all that he ever will have.”

If a fetus is not ensouled - or, for the many people on the pro-choice side who doubt the existence of any souls, if the fetus is not a moral agent, then a woman has as much right to an abortion as she does to remove a wart.

The problem with both positions is that there is no discoverable objective truth to be had. One can’t design a scientific test to measure the moment when a soul enters the body. Lacking any rational way to make a determination on the issue, one undertakes a grave risk.

If one, lacking any evidence comes down on the idea that a fetus has no personhood, and that belief is mistaken, one becomes complicit to murder.

If one, lacking any evidence, comes down on the side of personhood, and that belief is mistaken, one becomes complicit to a massive invasion of individual freedom and party to the creation of unwanted, unloved children.

Dangerous ground.

As our villainous minions know, your humble Smallholder likes to weigh evidence. My positions change as new information becomes available. The Maximum Leader, arrogating infallibility to himself, calls me squishy. I call willingness to correct course and accept new hypothesis the hallmark of adaptive intelligence. You say pa-tah-to, I say po-tay-toe.

Setting aside religion for a moment, Brian over at Memento Moron has posted an excellent essay assssing the difficulty of determining, sans scripture, when life begins.

There is no magic number and just about any position one takes - birth, viability, homunculousity, cell division, or conception has serious drawbacks. (By homunculousity I mean taking on human form a la Thomas Aquinas. I know it’s not a word. But as a German, my kultur compels me to create new words by mashing them together.)

The first trimester standard created by Roe is an arbitrary attempt to navigate these perilous waters. As such, it is unsatisfactory. Any arbitrary standard will be unsatisfactory, so perhaps one must realize that in public life an arbitrary standard has to be drawn.

If reason and science can’t draw a clear line, society is in the lurch. Some of my co-religionists would like to find a way out by imposing their biblical interpretation on others. I’m willing to grant that imposition is okay in this narrow case. Imposing your prayer in public schools is wrong and a violation of our social compact. But in this case, preventing what you perceive to be murder trumps societally-mandated respect for differing opinions. As an analogy, consider a person whose religion that requires virgin sacrifice. I’ll defend your right to believe in virgin sacrifice, oppose the use of government to promote your faith, and oppose you ever acting on that faith. Believe what you want, but society has claims on your actions.

That said, my co-religionists who believe the Bible clearly and unequivocally condemns abortion are wrong.

The Bible does not take a clear stand on abortion. Biblically based assaults on abortion are selective, based on unsupported judgment calls, and occasionally deceptive.

As our loyal minions know, your humble Smallholder is not a literalist. I have a healthy skepticism about how primary sources can be influenced by the cultural outlook of the author and, in the Bible’s case, by the motives of translators. I will, however, attempt to analyze the Bible literally, if only because most pro-lifers are literalists, holding that every word, jot, and tittle of the Bible is the absolutely true revealed word of God. On that basis, the concept that life begins at conception is untenable.

Wow. That last paragraph is quite inflammatory. I’ll defend it in my next abortion post. Hold off flaming me until then.

To summarize the problem:

Reason can’t be applied until the moral status of the fetus is ascertained.
Science is no definitive guide.
The Bible is no definitive guide.

What we have left is what the transcendentalists would call “inner light.” The internal sense of right and wrong that we have independently of reason.

My inner light recoils at the notion of abortion. I look at my children and realize that I could legally have prevented their existence and am repulsed. Abortion feels wrong in my gut.

Conflicted (or squishy, take your pick) child that I am, I have a hard time trusting this innate disgust. Sometimes the inner light’s moral sense can be applauded, as it ought to be for leading the transcendentalists to oppose slavery. But our internal feelings are so conditioned by the society in which we live that it is entirely possible for our moral sense to be overwhelmed by our learned mores. Many southerners were repulsed by black claims for legitimacy. I have yet to read a logical basis for discrimination against gays. All anti-gay activism ultimately boils down to the activists “inner light” screaming that fags are icky.

Operating solely by inner light is perilous.

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