The Minister of Propaganda suggests that I should get on board with Kerry and stop criticizing the Democratic nominee.
As I have said many a time (and those on both the right and the left don’t seem to get it), I am not a partisan. I’m gonna call it like I see it.
I don’t think my negative impression of Kerry is the result of Republican propaganda. I seem to be a bit resistant to ham-handed electioneering. It is Kerry himself who has given me this impression. He has had plenty of time to stake out clear positions and has failed to do so. His speeches consist of platitude after platitude.
On some of the issues on which he has been clear, I actively disagree with him. Be honest, Rob, you too are too well educated to buy the protectionism crap the Dems are peddling.
Kerry’s response to the medal flap has been insipid. Why didn’t he just look at the reporters and ask “Let me get this straight: The five-time deferment chickenhawk and the guy who used daddy’s influence to get a safe appointment to the guard are arguing that my elbow wound was too minor to qualify for my THIRD purple heart? <
All of those criticisms aside, I want to WIN the WAR. Kerry’s nuances and flip-flopping may be embarrassing, but at least they designate an active mind - anything would be preferable to Bush’s train wreck.