Reservations on Rice

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been thinking about Condi Rice becoming Secretary of State for a few days. He’s been jotting down little thoughts here and there in a little notebook. The thoughts, he thought, could be strung together into a nice post later this week. But as your Maximum Leader may not have time this week to string thoughts together, it is time to be derivative.

Your Maximum Leader’s train of thought on the Condi Rice appointment is rather close to Bill’s over on INDC Journal. She has great credentials, and certainly understands the issues. But is her natual temprement agressive enough to deal with the “State’ers” AND promote and advance the President’s foreign policy objectives?

As for Condi’s sex… Well, your Maximum Leader thinks that is less of an issue. The countries we are dealing with in the Muslim world (and by this your Maximum Leader means directly dealing with) are led by, for the most part, secular despots with an affection for the west. They are not the problem. The people who would most have a problem with talking with a woman represenative are the ones most likely to be on the receiving end of fire from a Marine or Ranger.

Your Maximum Leader’s concerns are, as he’s stated above, her natural disposition and if it would help/hurt her effectiveness. And one other. Condi is, obviously, close to the President’s and Vice President’s view on how US diplomacy should be managed. With Powell’s departure, should the President be trying to replace the “voice” he had in the Adminstration. This is not to say he would need to appoint a Secretary of State who shared Powell’s views. But should he have someone in his diplomatic/defence bag of tricks who would reflect a more moderate tone? Your Maximum Leader thinks it would be best if he did.

Carry on.

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