Read Your Own F****** Post

In his post about Newsweek and Guantanamo Bay, the Foreign Minister wrote:

I mean, I know that the left benefits from making Iraq look bad but, honestly, do you have to make stuff up?

The Foreign Minister attempted to tie the inaccurate story about Gauntanamo Bay to Iraq first, so my linking the Abu Graib prisoner abuses — which are, incidentally, not made up — is just following his lead.

Additionally, the information in my other links is certainly more accurate than what the Foreign Minister’s ranting would suggest. He doesn’t like my sources, but he doesn’t want to say anything about the issues, either.

Propaganda? Here’s the link again for coalition casualties in Iraq.

In his defense, the Cambodian link was both sick and funny. That’s the kind of foreign affairs stories I look forward to from our Foreign Minister. I hope he keeps up the good work.


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