Random commentary…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been all blogged out the past few days. After putting out my last post, I just haven’t felt like blogging for a day or two. But here is a little update on things I find interesting…

It seems someone has been watching too many James Bond movies.

In another sign that the end of the world is neigh… God wants her share of tourist dough.

Someone threw an egg at Ah-nold and didn’t get terminated. Which is too bad really. When political discourse devolves down to throwing eggs, we’re in bad shape.

If you live in Bermuda, GET OUT!

I know you have read it already in many different places… But, the sky is falling. (Okay, okay. The sky is possibly falling. The chances are 1 in 900,000.)
HOLD THE PRESSES! Looks like someone sharpened the sliderules and checked the math. Sky not falling. (You read it here first.)

Although Mrs Villain thinks he is “hot;” your Maximum Leader thinks he is a boob. Johnny need to learn that life (and politics) are not all wine and roses. Or since he lives in France, wine and cheese and cigarettes and armpit hair for all!

Brazilian women do the most to themselves to make sure they stay hot. Bravo! Keep up the good work.

And finally, your Maximum Leader awaits any comments from his Poet Laureate on my recent (long) blog about Homosexual Marriage. I read his post about the Anti-Homosexual marriage Constitutional Amendment proposal. No need for me to pile on. Let me agree. A Constitutional Amendment restricting Homosexual Marriage is a bad thing. For the same reasons that Homosexual Marriage is a bad thing.

Carry on.

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