Random Blogging

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader thought he would spend a few moments by blogging about some interesting things he saw on the web today.

First, it seems that anti-depressant drugs can drive you to suicide. Strange, since this seems to be the exact opposite of their intended effect. Perhaps more FDA testing is in order? Or perhaps kids should just buck it up some and get over their angst and woe-is-me attitude and get on with life. Put down the Gameboys and X-boxes and get out and live a little. Maybe the parents should parent a little more and not rely on drugs to improve their kids attitude when a little attention would work wonders. Your Maximum Leader sometimes wonders how the human race survives when he looks at teens out there. Hey you! Yes you little Goth laddie! Your Maximum Leader knows where there is a farm where you can get out shovel some manure, get some fresh air, and learn something about living…

Next. The good Kim Du Toit has an interesting post on religion. A little cynical. Okay. A lot cynical in fact. But an interesting point is underlying his writing. To what degree do we rely on the Judeo-Christian tradition as the foundation of laws and civil society? Quite a bit in fact, is your Maximum Leader’s answer. (He is still working on a big big post on this very subject, but put it aside and hasn’t looked at in in a few weeks.) Since we do rely on a particular religious tradition (among other traditions) as a pilar of civil society, to what extent do changes at odds with that tradition negatively impact civil society? That question is rhetorical. Your Maximum Leader, while wanting to spend a few minutes blogging, doesn’t want to pontificate right now. He shall file this away for another time.

Next. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what pleases him more about this next link. On the one hand, it gave the Elder Villainette such joy to read. She was positively estatic to know that there was a platinum and diamond encrusted Hello Kitty out there. (But she was crushed when she learned that under no circumstances would your Maximum Leader buy it.) On the other hand, knowledge that giving Hello Kitty som additional press is probably causing the Poet Laureate’s testes to shrink gives your Maximum Leader a twisted pleasure. Your Maximum Leader is amused to learn from this article that Hello Kitty herself probably got a few BoTox treatments herself. (And yes, your Maximum Leader knows he linked thrice to Sanrio’s web site. It is only to distress the Poet Laureate. To get one last jab in.. How about this as a new template for the Big Hominid Blog?)

Next. Have you ever had Vanilla Bean tea from Mighty Leaf? Your Maximum Leader thinks it is great. He ordered more today. And in case you wanted to know… Your Maximum Leader is a tea drinker, not a coffee drinker. He comes from a long line of tea drinkers. (Also Scotch drinkers, but that is another discussion.) Although a tea drinker, he doesn’t go for most wimpy herbal teas. Mrs. Villain prefers teas with names like “Sleepytime” and “Lemon Zinger.” Your Maximum Leader is a tea snob. He keeps a supply of Earl Grey and Russian Caravan tea from Harrods of Knightsbridge on hand. (Loose leaf of course.) For the sake of full disclosure, if you consider traditional Japanese Green Tea to be an herbal tea; then your Maximum Leader does drink herbal tea. Regardless… When the esteemed Brother and Sister in Law of your Maximum Leader offered to share some of this Vanilla Bean tea from Mighty Leaf with him, he was planning not to be impressed. But, much to my surprise. It was great. Not a wimpy herbal or fruity tea at all. So if you like tea, take your Maximum Leader’s recommendation and go to Mighty Leaf and get yourself some. And by the way, when your Maximum Leader ordered his tea he happened to write a short note about how he discovered the tea and enjoyed it. A few hours later he got an e-mail from Gary Shinner the founder and CEO of Mighty Leaf thanking your Maximum Leader for his order and kind comments. Now, your Maximum Leader doesn’t presume to think that Mr. Shinner is reading every favourable comment he gets on the web. But even if it was a lowly intern sending an e-mail out under Mr. Shinner’s name, your Maximum Leader really really likes the effort! Way to go Gary!

Next. Did you see the good Kilgore Trout moved to a new home? No? Well go now and read about the nature of mass-transit in Kilgore’s good city. And while you are there, check out the sidebar link to “Join the Red Army.” (NB to Kilgore: Very catchy link. Here is another Red Army link you might like.) Like Kilgore, your Maximum Leader likes his wines red or white. (But mostly red.) Indeed, his favourite wine is Egri Bickaver. Egri Bickaver is also known as “Bulls Blood.” While not expensive, it is a really good wine. (If you like really really dry wines that is.) Be warned! You might get hooked if you start drinking it!

Lastly. Did you chance to read the William F. Buckley reprint on NRO today? This one? The reprint of a speech WFB gave to West Point cadets in 1971? Interesting stuff my minions! Your Maximum Leader was particularly interested in the John Kerry quote about the “mystical war against communism.” Hummm… Mystical war against communism. Oh! Kerry must have been speaking bout that mystical war that went on from roughly 1948 to 1989 that most sensible people call the “Cold War.” Oh right! How could your Maximum Leader have missed the appelation? Well… John F. Kerry… If you happen to be reading this blog (which most likely you are not) allow your Maximum Leader to give you some advice. More BoTox buddy. This campaign is going to give you wrinkles like you’ve never seen. It’s gonna take a lot of ketchup money to keep it going for you.

That is all.

Carry on.

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