Capsaicin Causes Cell Suicide

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders about the construction of the first sentence in this Reuters article. Here goes:

Capsaicin, which makes peppers hot, can cause prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, U.S. and Japanese researchers said on Wednesday.
Capsaicin led 80 percent of human prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis, the researchers said.

Okay… Your Maximum Leader gave you the first two sentences. Cell suicide? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t remember cell suicide from biology? According to the (very authoritative - ahem) Wikipedia apoptosis is sort of like a cell suicide. According to this NIH site apoptosis is more like normal “cell death.”

So, Capsaicin appears to cause prostate cancer cells to want to die… They really can’t manage the hot foods one supposes. Of course, one might also wonder if there is a lower rate of rostate cancer among populations that eat more hot peppers (or food prepared with hot peppers) than in those countries with bland food. Your Maximum Leader suggests a study of Mexicans and Norweigians… It would be a veritable smackdown pitting tamales against lutefisk

Carry on.

Big Fight

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw this interesting tidbit on the Reuters news wire.

Too lazy to click through? Here is first sentence:

A Mexican couple were recovering separately after a marital spat got out of control and saw them firing guns, throwing knives and hurling homemade bombs, Mexican daily Milenio said on Monday.

Beauty, eh? Your Maximum Leader will file this item under “Hot Tempered Latin Lovers.”

Carry on.

St Patrick’s Day - Rules Being Bent

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was pleased to hear that many Catholic Bishops have given special dispensations for Catholics to eat meat on Friday, St. Patrick’s Day. By giving the special dispensation, the Bishops are giving those who want to celebrate St Patty’s day with corned beef the opportunity to do so without committing a venal sin.

Of course, one wonders what other venal and mortal sins are going to be committed by the faithful (and not so faithful) on St Patrick’s day? Sins for which no dispensation s given. Humm….

And here is another question for you… If you Maximum Leader promises to put a new roof on the school over at Our Lady of Perpetual Guilt could he get a dispensation in advance for the commission of a mortal sin (or two)? Can you get advance dispensation? Or should one just commit the sin, buy the church school a new roof, THEN ask the Bishop to help you out? You gotta get the order right on these things…

Carry on.

Congrats Jeff King!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader extends his hearty congratulations to Jeff King, who just won his fourth Iditarod dog-sled race.

Your Maximum Leader didn’t realize that the Iditarod has only been around since 1973. He had always assumed that it had been around since the 1930s at least. He seemed to remember reading somewhere that the race was to commemorate the rush of medicine from Anchorage to Nome in the 1920’s to fight an epidemic. But he assumed that the race was older than it was.

Your Maximum Leader just looked up the official Iditarod site, which is appropriately The history of the race is here. You can look here for complete standings on the race. (Some competitors will not reach Nome for a few more days…)

Very cool stuff…

Carry on.

Powerful movement in the Muslim World

If you have not yet seen this already, this is a must see video of a Syrian-born American psychiatrist Dr. Wafa Sultan on Al-Jazeera TV (in a debate with Islamist sheikh Dr. Ibrahim Al-Khouli). This is very powerful stuff.

For those of us that have been saying that the Muslim religon needs its own reformation, or are asking themselves where are the Muslim voices of reason, here they are.

Its about 5 minutes long, and if you have dial-up, its worth the wait.

Here is a link to the video

and more on this remarkable woman

An Islamic reform site (in English)

Back to the trenches….

March 14th

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has seen a number of blogs (Princess Cat’s first among them) wishing him a happy PI day. (Or if you prefer you could render it π day.) As today is March 14th, the date could be written as 3.14. Get it? Sorta clever.

Just when your Maximum Leader was getting comfy with the very concept of a PI day he was distracted by Eric. Wouldn’t you know that troublemaker would make sure that his readers know that today (March 14th) also happens to be Steak and BJ day. Your Maximum Leader does have to say that the whole Steak and BJ day concept is a sound one - coming one month after Valentines day and all. And really… What man wouldn’t be happy with a steak and bj on a Tuesday?

If you chance to peruse the link above you will see some pretty funny stuff. The link is, for the most part, work safe. No pictures that would offend (at least on the pages your Maximum Leader visited). But the text content is TV-M rated… Or R rated if you like the movie system…

Now your Maximum Leader has to figure out how to let Mrs Villain know about the significance f this day…

Carry on.

Virginia Politics

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is, as long-time readers know, generally very proud of his state government. It is quite sad that more Americans don’t pay close attention to what their state and local leaders are doing on a regular basis. Afterall it is more likely that a local ordinance concerning when you can and can’t put your trash can out on the curb for pickup will directly impact your life - rather than some omnibus spending bill passed in Congress.

The Virginia General Assembly is still sort of in session. For those of you who don’t know, the General Assembly of Virginia is our legislature (and it is the oldest continually operating democratic/republican institution in the world). It meets for either 60 or 90 days - depending on the year. When the General Assembly is not in session our Governor is pretty much in charge of everything. Considering that Virginia has a history of republican governance it is sorta funny that we should have such a powerful Governor. Your Maximum Leader has always thought this was a carry over from our colonial days. We still have something of a King and Parliament ystem going on. Anyhoo…

Things have been rather exciting in the General Assembly this year. Lots of good stuff going on - and very little press coverage overall. Which is, as your Maximum Leader noted, rather sad.

The Senate of Virginia just killed a bill that your Maximum Leader had been following. The bill was reported as one that set property rights against gun rights. This made it one that “split” the traditional Republican coalition.

The bill, if made law, would have made it legal for people to carry their legal firearms onto the private property of their employers. And by carry their firearms onto private property it meant you could keep your gun in your car in the parking lot. It didn’t mean that you could pack heat in the workplace.

All in all, your Maximum Leader - a gun owner and advocate of gun rights - would have to side with the property owners on this one. If you are an employer you should be allowed to set reasonable restrictions on what is or isn’t allowed on your property. As a thoughtful gun owner, your Maximum Leader is happy to leave his guns at home or not take them onto the property of another who objects to their presence.

This is not to say that your Maximum Leader doesn’t see the other side of this issue as well. Indeed, he was sort of conflicted on it. If one is a law abiding gun owner, you should be able to (within the law) transport your gun with you. If your employer doesn’t want firearms in the workplace - that is fine. But should your employer be able to prohibit you from keeping your gun secured in your vehicle in the company parking lot while you work? That actually is something of a toughie. Have you ever been to Pennsylvania, or Virginia, or a host of other states during hunting season? People wake up, go to work, then leave to hunt. (Or if you are really hardcore - you hunt in the morning, come in late to work, then go home for sleep.)

This might be one senario where a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy might be appropriate. If you are going to take a firearm with you in your car (and secure it during the day) and park on company property - don’t tell your employer. Of course, if it is an option at your place of work you could park on a public street or parking area. That sort of negates the whole problem.

All in all, your Maximum Leader is glad that this bill was killed. Perhaps another year of thought on this is in order.

Carry on.

Chef takes a hike

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was going to do a post saying that he’s got nuthin’ to post about today. Somehow that type of a post (although your Maximum Leader has done so before) seems rather like a little white lie. Afterall, isn’t a post about nuthin’ still a post about something…


Your Maximum Leader did see an article that prompted him to blog. Isaac Hayes is leaving South Park.

You know your Maximum Leader is all about the hard-hitting news…

Carry on.

Dubai Ports Deal

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the Dubai company invovled in this whole ports kerfluffle is going to sell its interest in the ports to another company.

And Ted has figured out the eeeeevil plan.

Carry on.

News Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, sort of at the suggestion of Phoenix, took the MSNBC weekly news quiz.

He scored 90%. Try it yourself.

He missed the question about the kids who were burning down the churches in Alabama.

And in a strange moment of serindipity… As he took the quiz and is now blogging about it, Elton John’s “Burn Down the Mission” is playing on your Maximum Leader’s iPod.

Make of that what you will.

Carry on.

The Day

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader thought today would be a great blogging day. He was wrong. Allow him to explain…

The Wee Villain isn’t feeling well. Stomach virus… So your Maximum Leader was tending to him… Your Maximum Leader has been thrown up on twice today. Once last night. The time last night was the worst. It was the two-hours-after-drinking-milk vomit. Ack. Imagine cottage cheese that has sat out in the sun for a day or so. Then douse the festering cottage cheese in stomach acid. Throw in some half digested peaches and chicken nuggets. That is what was covering your Maximum Leader last night.

Former milk vomit is the worst.

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader thought he’d be able to wax philosophic today once the Wee Villain fell asleep. Alas… The Wee Villain would only sleep while cradled in your Maximum Leader’s arms. Can’t blog like that.

So your Maximum Leader started watching the Firefly marathon on SciFi.

Your Maximum Leader likes it. Likes it very much. Firefly that is…

That is about all he has to blog about now. He’s going to try and write something decent next week… Or maybe later today… Most likely not tonight…

Carry on.

The Phinlet has landed

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat and wishes hearty congratulations to Phin and Mrs. Phin on the arrival of their wee little boy Phinlet! What great news! Congratulations. Swim on over to Phin’s blog and wish him the best.

NB to Phin: This means no pudding wrestling in the house for quite a while now…

Carry on.

JLH Oscar Update

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees on I Don’t Like You In That Way that Jennifer Love Hewitt was looking particularly dreamy at the Oscars on Sunday night.

He also reads that the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt is dating some Scottish guy named Ross McCall.

Did your Maximum Leader mention that not only is he of Scottish extraction but he drinks plenty of Scotch and can pull off a mean Scottish accent?


Carry on.

Congrats Tom Delay

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to congratulate Congressman Tom Delay for winning his primary with 62 percent of the vote. Now Congressman Delay’s Maximum Leader wouldn’t quite go so far as to call this a rebuke of the “politics of personal destruction” (NB: Thanks Jim Wright for coining such a great phrase), but is shows that Delay is still popular in his district among Republican voters. Many of those voters probably feel (as does your Maximum Leader) that the charges against Delay and prosecution of those charges are politically motivated. But whatever the prosecutors motivation for charging Delay doesn’t mean that the law hasn’t been broken. That will all be worked out in due time.

And winning the primary isn’t such a big prize. Afterall, Delay will have a big fight to win to be reelected in November.

Carry on.

Extreme Makeover: Ma Sheehan edition

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, for the most part, ignores Cindy Sheehan and all reporting of Cindy Sheehan. But for some reason Jeff’s latest on Mother Peace (or however she is styling herself nowadays - Hugo Chavez’s American Ho, Fidel’s Kinky American Beeyatch, or whatever…) just struck your Maximum Leader as really really funny.

Go, see what Jeff recommends.

As your Maximum Leader was reading over the post he thought to himself, “You know, Jeff could become a fashion consultant for some high profile California criminal defense attorney. You know, like Gloria Allred or something…” Gloria did a good job on Amber Frey from that whole Scott Pterson thingie. (Is Scott Peterson dead yet? Is he suffering in prison as some Crip’s beeyatch or something? He ought to be…)

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader should also thank Jeff for the links in that post. He had no idea what Chenille was. Indeed, he’s still not sure that he does, but the picture helped.

You know your Maximum Leader still has a print out of the tutorial that the lovely Annika gave him about shoes. With three women in the Villainschloss it comes in handy when they start to get dressed up…

Carry on.

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