Quick update & minion mailbag.

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figured he’d do a quick blog. Mainly, he wanted to agree with the Poet Laureate that this post on Cerebral Bypass is a very thougtful, if somewhat melancoly, blog. Very well done.

Additionally, your Maximum Leader agrees with much of what Gregg Easterbrook says about the whole “Paul O’Neill” hullaballou going on now.

And, quite surprisingly, your Maximum Leader got an almost immediate reponse to his pithiness of yesterday. An unnamed minion wrote:
I think it is awful what you wrote about that suicide bomber woman. It would still be a tragedy if she had killed those people three years ago.

Your Maximum Leader responds:
Dear Unnamed Minion. You misunderstand my villainous humour. Your Maximum Leader was implying that it would have been better had the bomber killed herself before she bred. (The linked article mentions that the bomber was the mother of two.)Your inference was incorrect. As you ought to know, your Maximum Leader is very sympathetic to the victims of homicidal Palestinians. Perhaps you should read more carefully.
Yours cordially,

NB: What type of sicko mother kills herself and leaves behind two kids? Lets check that article again. Reuters reports that:

Wearing a green Hamas sash and headband, Reyashi, from a middle-class merchant family in Gaza, said in a farewell video she had dreamed since she was 13 of “becoming a martyr.”

What type of society (if you can call it that) creates an environment where little girls want to die? Don’t try to pull out any relativist arguments with your Maximum Leader here. He will not tolerate them.

And the article goes on:

She concluded by saying: “God gave me two children and I loved them so much. Only God knew how much I loved them.”

Lets see. God gave her two children whom she claimed to love. Did it never occur to her that rather than blowing herself up, God might have wanted the two children to have a loving mother? Humm…. Call your Maximum Leader crazy, but my logic seems a bit more straightforward than hers. Hell! Isn’t there some sort of “nuturing kids” gene in women? After years of listening to various feminist-types, your Maximum Leader was convinced he couldn’t nurture a soul because he wasn’t a woman. (Of course, it turns out that he is more a nurturer of the “Benevolent God-Emperor” sort than the “June Cleaver” sort.)

What makes it even worse is that your Maximum Leader is sure that whoever raises those children will impress upon them day and night what a wonderful and heroic mother they had. Sickos. Just sick.

Carry on.

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