Pork Tastes Good, But…

I see the Maximum Leader is still proselytizing about the wonders of pigdom.

I too appreciate the animal known to many American homesteaders as the ‚ÄövÑv Mortgage-lifter‚ÄövÑvp because of its economic utility, but I had to decline Mike‚ÄövÑv¥s request to raise a pig to go along with the beef I am raising for the Villainous household.

I will one day add at least a couple of pigs to the farm, but not until the Wee Smallholder is a bit older. I have a cousin whose ear is a bit jagged because he stepped to close to the boar pen when he was a toddler. Old Horace decided that the little lad would make a good snack, grabbed him by the ear and pulled him into the pen. If my uncle had not been nearby, he would have lost a kid.

So, until my dear little one is big enough to a) understand to stay away from the piggies and b) is too big to constitute a tasty porcine morsel, we will not have any pigs.

This brings to mind one of my favorite answers to vegetarians. When Gene Logsdon was asked how he could eat pigs that he had raised by hand, he responded: ‚ÄövÑv If I had a heart attack in the pen, the pigs would eat me. That‚ÄövÑv¥s fair.‚ÄövÑvp

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