Please stop giving dean such a hard time!

Come on folks…. I want him to get the nomination! Every time someone pokes fun of his primeval scream, his credibility erodes, and I don‚ÄövÑvÂ¥t want that to happen till next September/October!

He is probably the easiest on the Dem plate for George to beat.

Speaking of George, I really get irritated when people mention Draft dodging by folks joining the National Guard.
In WW2 300,034 Guardsmen reported for active duty

In Korea, 138,600 Guardsmen were federalized including eight infantry divisions, three regimental combat teams, and 714 company-sized units.

VIETNAM During the Vietnam war, 102 Air National Guard units, consisting of 10,511 personnel mobilized. This included four tactical fighter squadrons. The Largest Army units to mobilize were the 29th Infantry Brigade and the 69th Infantry Brigade. Thirty-four Army Guard units consisting of 12,234 personnel mobilized.

GULF WAR 1 Of the 265,322 reservists mobilized, 63,050 were Army Guardsmen and 12,428 were Air Guardsmen.

BOSNIA President Clinton deployed the National Guard again on Dec. 8, 1995. Although this is an on-going mission, as of Nov. 22, 1999, 19,093 reservists have or are serving in the Bosnia.

2003 ‚ÄövÑv¨ Iraq As of March 19, 2003, more than 138,000

My point is that joining the NG is no safe bet to avoid going to war. In Vietnam, it was mostly Air Guard units deployed and GW was a Pilot. Your chances of being sent to war are infinitely greater being in the Guard than being in Canada or England.

Popeye‚ÄövÑv¥s has not responded‚ÄövѬ . But I did not expect them to.

Back to the trenches‚ÄövѬ ..

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