Physician, Heal Thyself!

Lest you think I‚ÄövÑv¥ve gone soft on the Analphilosopher:

My last post showed KBJ at his best: thought-provoking.

This one returns to my earlier critique of the blog as hack propaganda.

From yesterday:

Liberal Dishonesty

Have you noticed the pattern? Liberals lack argumentative skills, so they resort to various forms of abuse and dishonesty to influence voters. They “play the race card” whenever an African-American, such as Michael Jackson, is held responsible for his or her actions. This isn’t argument. It’s avoidance of argument. They attribute opposition to affirmative-action programs to racism. This silences opponents. They attribute opposition to homosexual “marriage” to religious fundamentalism or homophobia. Read Andrew Sullivan’s blog if you think I’m making this up. They attribute opposition to abortion to religious fundamentalism or sexism. Opponents of abortion are either gripped by religious fervor or hell-bent on keeping women barefoot and pregnant. They attribute support for reduced taxes (or opposition to increased taxes) to greed or to favoritism for the affluent. They seem to think that money grows on trees.

See the pattern? Don’t engage your adversaries on rational grounds. Dismiss them as irrational or malevolent. Impugn their motives. Challenge their integrity. Call their intelligence and good will into question. Opposition to the liberal program can’t possibly be rational; it must be a manifestation of backwardness, superstition, ignorance, indifference, or self-interest. Conservatives are rednecks, hicks, hayseeds, philistines, and rubes. They’re obstructionists. They have an undeveloped sense of justice. They’re indifferent to suffering.

Please keep in mind that I was a liberal for a long time. I know the liberal mentality and tactics. Liberals have no shame. They’re unfulfilled totalitarians. Their only goal, despite their declared concern for the disadvantaged, is power. Think about it. If liberals truly cared about the disadvantaged, as they say they do, they’d dispose of their wealth. There are enough wealthy liberals in this country to feed, clothe, shelter, and medicate every poor person. Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to happen. The Kennedys are still wealthy, aren’t they? John Kerry is more than happy to take advantage of the Heinz fortune. Liberals insist on forcing others to pay for their hare-brained social-engineering schemes. This suggests that they’re driven by envy and spite, not benevolence.

Read that again. I‚ÄövÑv¥ll wait.

Let‚ÄövÑv¥s see. Liberals are incapable of reasoned argument because they unsupportedly question the motivations of conservatives and call names. They all want power. They are shameless, totalitarian, wealthy, harebrained, envious, spiteful and malevolent.

Does Burgess-Jackson even see the humor in this post? Is he being intentionally ironic?

You might recall an earlier critique I made of KBJ, questioning whether his political ‚ÄövÑv analysis‚ÄövÑvp was in fact knee-jerk, hackneyed, elephant-echo-chamber propaganda. KBJ blogged in response that he was only analyzing the issues. I challenged him to provide ONE example in which the application of ‚ÄövÑv reason‚ÄövÑvp did not result in a whole-hearted embrace of the position taken by the Bush administration. KBJ did not respond, which I took to be an implied admission that he was indeed partisan rather than analytical. The post quoted above is an explicit admission of this fact, n‚ÄövÑv¥est ce pas?

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