Philosopher Test

With whom o you most agree?

Smallholder’s answers (He may be shot by the Hobbesian Maximum Leader):
The worst part is that my number two is that darn pesky Frenchman (We were ALL in the resistance! There was no collaberation!).

1. Jeremy Bentham (100%)
2. Jean-Paul Sartre (93%)
3. Aquinas (90%)
4. Kant (87%)
5. John Stuart Mill (84%)
6. Spinoza (70%)
7. St. Augustine (70%)
8. Plato (68%)
9. Aristotle (65%)
10. Prescriptivism (64%)
11. Ayn Rand (57%)
12. Epicureans (42%)
13. Ockham (42%)
14. Stoics (42%)
15. Nel Noddings (39%)
16. Nietzsche (18%)
17. Cynics (14%)
18. David Hume (14%)
19. Thomas Hobbes (14%)

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