PETA and Rick Santorum… Perfect Together.

Greetings, loyal minons. Your Maximum Leader saw a catchy headline on the news wire. And afterall isn’t that what a headline is supposed to be? Catchy. Something that will grab your attention and make you read…. But your Maximum Leader digresses. The headline as: Animal Groups Praise Sen. Rick Santorum.

Of course, the first Animal Rights group your Maximum Leader thought of was PETA. And sure enough, they are the group praising Rick Santorum. As surprising as that may sound. It seems the junior Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has introducted legislation to help end puppy mills.

The money quote: “Obviously, the life of animals is fundamentally different than the life of a human being. But to me, we have a responsibility to God’s creatures to treat them humanely, and the government’s laws should reflect that.”

There you have it. Politics does make strange bedfellows.

And your Maximum Leader thinks that puppy mills are bad. But puppies, in general, are good.

Carry on.

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