Oscar Nominations

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will make a public bleg of the Minister of Propaganda… Which films that are part of the Oscar buzz should your Maximum Leader try to see with Mrs. Villain. Since Oscar nominations were announced today your Maximum Leader thought he’d ask for some recommendations. You see… For the first time in many years your Maximum Leader has not seen ANY of the films nominated for anything. Not a one. (Unless you count “Batman Begins” in the category of Best Cinematography… A minor category… And he’s just talking about the big categories. Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress, Best Director, Best Picture.)

Pretty sad isn’t it? Your Maximum Leader just doesn’t get out of the Villainschloss and to the cinema very frequently. That is price one pays for being Maximum Leader - and having three young offspring - very few trips to the movies.

Last night your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain discussed going to the movies. Your Maximum Leader is open to seeing “Brokeback Mountain.” But Mrs. Villain isn’t interested. Your Maximum Leader is also interested in seeing “Capote.” Mrs. Villain seemed more open to “Capote” but not thrilled by it. By default the choice would appear to be the not-nominated-for-best-picture-but-still-getting-good-nods-for-acting “Walk the Line.” Your Maximum Leader will hold out for “Capote” first and “Walk the Line” second.

“Walk the Line” doesn’t have as much appeal to your Maximum Leader as “Capote.” He supposes that this is because he’s seen the interviews with Johnny and June Carter Cash. He’s more familiar with that story because of his love of Johnny Cash’s music. Other than reading “In Cold Blood” he doesn’t know that story very well. Not like he plans on viewing “Capote” as a documentary… He wouldn’t. Neither would he view “Walk the Line” as a documentary. They are, he knows, entertainment. Fictionalized accounts of events. (Sort of like Oliver Stone’s JFK - only more true.) But the “Capote” story intrigues your Maximum Leader more…


If anyone would like to recommend films to your Maximum Leader he is open to suggestions.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Buckethead has finds himself in almost the same boat as your Maximum Leader.

Carry on.

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