Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should have stayed up and watched the Oscars last night. Because he surely didn’t get any sleep. He tossed and turned all night. Now he has a headache and is cranky. (If he were a true neoconservative - which he really isn’t - then he would be nudging in on someone else’s territory.
Your Maximum Leader must ask you all something. Her acting talent notwithstanding (because she is a DAMNED fine actress), is your Maximum Leader the only man in America that doesn’t find Hillary Swank attractive in the least? Your Maximum Leader likes the dress, but Hillary just doesn’t do it for me.
And while he’s asking questions… Who is this Michelle Williams? Never heard of her. Can Jessica Alba look more hot?
Why is your Maximum Leader going on about the Oscars? Cause he can’t think of another dang thing to write about. He just isn’t motivated for hard-hitting political commentary today. Not sure what the problem is.
Cary on.