Nothing on the lions?

Oh come on M of P! No comment on the lions?


I just spent a good 35 minutes crafting a great witty and thought provoking response but I decided to delete it and move on.

Now I know some of our readers just love these internal laundry airing episodes among the ministers here, but it can become a little too draining and emotional at least on this Minister.
Adding to that is the fact that there is little chance of actually persuading the M of P over to my side of the Aisle (or vice versa). Aint’ going to happen.

Plus, the more that this wears on, the less we remember that the other person in the debate is a human being too, and that they have arrived at their current political philosophy via their own life experience that are meainingful and real to to them.

The M of P is a great guy, as a few Liberals tend to be, so I don’t want to fan any of the flames that may inhibit us drinking out of a boot when we get together at Jackfest in July.

Speaking of which, everyone kind of glossed over my suggestion that you bring Sadie as your bouncer/governess/date. Anything come of this?

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