no porn surfing for me thanks to the small holder…

I thought I would come home (its late) and surf a little porn in the few hours that daddy has at night when the Warden and the Munchkin were in bed but
The M of A has to write a dissertation that begs for a clarification reply from me.

If the M of A could have read these (his own!) post 10 years ago when we were in college together he would not believe this stuff came from his own pen!
You are turning in to quite the conservative republican friend. The last hurdle is coming to the realization that your neighbors don‚ÄövÑv¥t need to be taxed heavily and your are IN!
Boy that Guard thing got your panties in a tussle didn‚ÄövÑv¥t it? Fortunately, we have the clarity that hind sight can give us. When you volunteer, you are usually given a choice of Jobs and when you get drafted, you usually get the shittiest job (combat infantryman). I am not saying that it was not possible to avoid combat duty in Vietnam by joining the Nat G. I am sure thousands did that. My point was that it was not a 100% safe bet. Fortunately, we did not have to use the Guard in Nam like we did in WW2. Maybe the reason more guard troops were not sent was that the guard was full of Senators sons. But in 1968, your average dude joining the guard could not guarantee that his unit would not be mobilized. If you wanted to avoid the war, go to Canada or the UK.
I got most of my figures from Google and it was not as easy to find as I thought. I had to cut and paste some from various sources, some used mobilization and some used actual figures of on the ground troops. My use of figures was just to reinforce the point that, in just about every War we are in, NG troops have been sent. I bet that there are more guard troops that are in or will go to Iraq than the numbers that went to Nam‚ÄövѬ but still some went.
RPGs were a Soviet development from the German concept of a hand held anti-tank device. Some sources say that the RPG-1 was simply the Soviets continuing to produce the German Panzerfausts (developed in August 1943) in captured factories. The RPG-7 is the one that Indian Jones used in the Pre-WW2 epic and was not developed until 1961. But that was not the only hokey thing about IJatTD!

Hey M of A
I had a unanswered question regarding Bull/Steers. Is it necessary to de-ball them? They are only living long enough to gain 1400lbs or 1 ¬Ω right? If they are not in a mating situation do you need to de-nut them? If you do de-nut them, do you replace hormones with a shot? If so why take the nuts off?

Back to the trenches

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