News from Italy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader seems to remember that once upon a time he read something about how to be a better blogger. Although the advice didn’t take, he does from time to time remember some admonitions of whomever the author was. One of the pieces of advice was that every post should have a single unifying theme and should jump all over the place.

Well… This is not going to be one of those posts.

The first bit of news from Italy is off the news wire. It seems as though thanks to a clandestinely made plaster cast of Dante’s skull (crafted by Professor Fabio Frassetto in 1921) scientists have made a 3D model of the great poet’s face. The reconstruction is very interesting and does have Dante’s famed “aquiline” nose. But the nose is not as pronounced as some renderings would have one believe it was. You can judge for yourself…

3D rendering circa 2007:

Dante by a renaissance artist:

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have a problem with either… So he’ll probably start to think of Dante using the new model…

In other news from Italy…

Famed Italian Producer Carlo Ponti has passed away. Ponti was 94. Your Maximum Leader has loved many of the films Ponti produced (most of all Dr. Zhivago). He was great at what he did.

Of course, his passing also means that Sophia oren is now available. Perhaps it is wrong of your Maximum Leader to notice but Sophia Loren is still very very attractive (although she is old enough to be your Maximum Leader’s - youthful - grandmother). Honestly, your Maximum Leader feels empathy for Loren right now. After more than 50 years of marriage, Ms. Loren must be particularly desvastated. One hopes she finds solace in her family and friends.

Carry on.

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