Musical Jurors.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader grew tired of hearing about the Peterson murder trial about a year ago. He has intentionally ignored all the goings-on and media attention given to the case. Why? He just doesn’t really care much.

Of course, it turns out that his ignorance of what has been going on in the trial might backfire on him. Why would it backfire do you ask? Well, your Maximum Leader reads that the judge has removed yet another juror from the deliberations. At the rate they are burning through jurors they may have to call your Maximum Leader across the country to serve as a jury of one. This is not a problem for your Maximum Leader. He is well acquianted with being judge and jury already.

Just worry when your Maximum Leader starts to bellow, “In all my years of judging I have never seen before someone more deserving the full penalty of law. The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother, fills me with an urge to deficate!”

At that point the Smallholder would cry out from the bailiffs room, “Go Judge. Shit on ‘em.”

Carry on.

Post Post Excursus: That last little bit just made your Maximum Leader chuckle to himself. Heh.

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