Mother Nature is herself foiled!

Mother Nature is herself foiled!

Yes! Foiled I say. She is overcome by an AMEX card! The storms of last week sent a power surge through my cable modem and fryed my poor NIC card. Well, with an AMEX card and some assistance from a blue shirted teenaged girl at Best Buy I was able to get a new NIC card. And now I am here. So modern technology, capitalism, a market economy, just-in-time inventory, and mega retailers are able to overcome the temporary set backs thrown up by nature.

I added some more links today. I had to add links to two of my favourite people. The Big Hominid Blog link takes you to the site of my best buddy. He will (when the Mike World Order - henceforth MWO - begins) one day be Poet Laureate for the Maximum Leader. This will, of course, require that he dress like a medieval jester and learn to play a flute while prancing around my great hall. But, that will be a small task compared to the rich payoff of being my minion and loyal henchman. The John Derbyshire Home Page link takes you to my favourite journalist, writer, commentator. You might have read his work on National Review Online. You may want to purchase his new book, Prime Obsession. For that matter, you might want to purchase the Big Hominid’s book, Scary Spasms in Hairy Chasms. They are both very fun, but in very different ways.

I had to also put a link out there to Conservative Uberbabe Ann Coulter. Ooooohhhhhh….. Tall, blonde, brilliant, ideologically pure, and willing to call Katie Couric names! If there wasn’t a Mrs. Maximum Leader, I would be pitching woo at her all the time. I would have to put my plans for world domination on hold whilst I tried to win her heart… I am sure she would be interested in becoming my consort in the MWO. But since there is a Mrs. Maximum Leader, all I can offer Ann is the role of Minister of Justice in the MWO.

And since the Maximum Leader is bearing his soul. He must admit he has a certain fondness for Jennifer Love Hewitt. I can’t really put a finger on it. She certainly is a babe. She can act better than many “so called” actresses out there. She can sing. (Certainly better than the Maximum Leader.) And I just like her. So there!

And since I am explaining links… The World’s Greatest Tabloid is without question, The Sun of Great Britain. Sensationalist news, scandals, and Page 3 girls. To paraphrase Mary Poppins, “The Sun is practically perfect in every way.” The same could be said for me… But, I digress.

The Monarchist League link is a nice general resource set up by people who love monarchy. I love monarchy myself. I plan on setting up my own. The MWO will be a benevolent Monarchy. Benevolent to those who stay on my (or my Justice Minister’s) good side that is.

So what does the Maximum Leader have on tap for the ole blog site over the next few days? I hope to post some thoughts about some lawsuits brought by convicts. (If you want to research this item before reading my post. The NPR story that prompted these thoughts is here.) I also will write something about a subject on which I have ruminated quite a bit. It has to do with Letters of Marque and Reprisal. (If you want to know what prompted this. Check out Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10) But, more on that later.

Well, my dear minions. I am off to sleep. Perchance, I shall dream. (Perhaps of Ann Coulter, or Jennifer Love Hewitt! But most likely of Mrs. Maximum Leader.) In the meanwhile, continue to await the MWO!

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