More Thoughts On Deep Throat.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is chuckling to himself. Why? The Washington Post was scooped on a story they’ve been waiting to do for 30 years.

How frustrating must that be?

You’ve had a story you’ve been sitting on for 30 years. It is a story that many many people want to read. It is the answer to one of the most interesting political palour games of the 20th Century. You have the story primed to go when the fateful moment comes.

And Vanity Fair (a monthly magazine!) scoops you on your big story.


Anyhow. Your Maximum Leader would like to direct you all to a few other opinions on the whole W. Mark Felt = Deep Throat story.

First off (in the place of honour?) is our pal Skippy. (Who we might add removed a pair of magnificent breasts from his masthead to put up his “Canadian Nixon” graphic. We are not sure we approve that aesthetic choice.) Go and read Skippy’s piece. It touches on the contradiction that is Richard Nixon’s legacy. Your Maximum Leader has never really been a Nixon man. Well, to clarify, he’s always been a Nixon Foreign Policy man and a Nixon Anti-Communist man. But he hasn’t been a Nixon Wage-Price Controls, Nixon EPA, Nixon OSHA, or Nixon Affirmative Action man.

You know… Thinking about it… Other than the cover-up and lawbreaking… From a policy perspective do you know who is probably the most Nixonian blogger here at Naked Villainy?

The Smallholder.

Think about it. Rather “conservative” in looking out for our national interests. Hawkish. Willing to strong-arm diplomatically where it is required/in our interests. But at the same time very “progressive” domestically. Seeking to expand the power and influence of government where he believes it will enhance the “common weal.” Neither Nixon or the Smallholder are typical “political” types. Hummm…

Ponder that.

Anyway. Read Skippy’s piece. It is very good.

Even though they were scooped… You should check out the various Washington Post pieces. Some are here, here, and here.

You ought to jaunt over and read Ben Stein’s peice on the American Spectator too. Although Stein engages in a little too much rampant “what if” specuation, the connections are interesting and desering of some thought.

Anyhow… Your Maximum Leader supposes that this wraps up the Watergate coverage. Finally. Woodward and Bernstein can now write their final books on the subject. And we can only hope that we will never have to hear from John Dean or Chuck Colson ever again.

Carry on.

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